Professor Charles Knowles

en London


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(15 opiniones)
Excellent and knowledgeable.
16th July 2022
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Professor Knowles made feel very comfortable. He understood all my concerns and offered me different treatment options considering my fears. Excellent.
16th October 2022
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I had a wonderful and warm experience from start to finish with Professor Dr Charles Knowles a Cleveland Clinic London. He took his time to go over the diagnosis clearly and treatment options. I Highly recommend Professor Knowles who has over 30 years of experience and is a expert in his field. He’s very understanding and listens to your concerns. He takes time with the patient to help them with their health issues! I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a specialist. With regard to the Cleveland Clinic - i was a first time patient, it was a lovely experience and the staff were warm and welcoming. Highly recommended.
7th November 2022
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Amazing experience and truly cared for the best outcome for his patients. Life changing decisions and discussions feel easier when talking through with him.
18th November 2022
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Professor Knowles is clearly a brilliant doctor. He is also practical, understanding and kind and I am extremely grateful to him.
22nd November 2022
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Professor Knowles was very knowledgeable and he had an approachable manner. He genuinely cared, he listened and wanted to help. He put our daughter who is just 18 years old at ease straight away. We came away feeling confident that there is now a plan in place and we are feeling more hopeful. We are so grateful and in hindsight we wished we had come to see him much earlier! Thank you
7th January 2023
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Professor Knowles was very knowledgeable and he had an approachable manner. He listened, he genuinely cared and wanted to help. He put our daughter who is just 18years old at ease straight away. We came away feeling confident that there is now a plan in place and we are feeling hopeful after what has been a stressful 2.5 years and in hindsight we wished we had come to see Professor Knowles much earlier! Thank you
7th January 2023
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I had a telephone conversation with Professor Charles Knowles on 9th March 2023. I found him to be a good listener and he asked about my medical history and how l felt about my stoma and hernia. I asked to be straight with me about my concerns regarding surgery and he replied with the most straightforward opinions which l have ever had. I am sure he will perform my operation with great care and l completely trust him all l need now is a date. Thank you.
23rd March 2023
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