Artículos del doctor: Ms Velloor Jayshree Menon Más de 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Blocked tear duct surgery

When a tear duct becomes blocked, tears are unable to drain naturally and accumulate on the surface of the eyes, leading to watery, irritated and swollen eyes. Surgery may then be required to treat the blocked tear duct. Here, Miss Velloor Jayshree Menon, renowned consultant ophthalmologist, provides an expert insight into unblocking tear ducts through surgery.

All you need to know about lens implants

Refractive lens exchange surgery, where artificial lenses are implanted, can help to sharpen and improve vision quality. Renowned consultant ophthalmologist Miss Velloor Jayshree Menon gives an expert guide to the different types of intraocular lenses available and the explains what patients can expect from the surgical procedure in this illuminating article.

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