Artículos del doctor: Mr Jonathan Walczak Más de 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

Which treatments delay knee surgery?

Looking to delay or postpone knee replacement surgery for as long as possible? You might be wondering what other non-surgical treatments are available in the meantime and just how long you can avoid surgery. Read more from one of our expert orthopaedic surgeons Mr Jonathan Walczak about the conservative options for knee arthritis.

calf muscle strain prevention

No-one wants to suffer a calf muscle strain. It can prevent you from playing your favourite sports for a couple of weeks and it's overall a rather painful and uncomfortable ordeal. Orthopaedic surgeon, Mr Jonathan Walczak, explains exactly what causes a muscle strain in the calf muscle and how you can easily avoid it.

ACL injuries

Do you, or someone close to you, feel like an ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injury is a possibility? Dr Walczak answers common questions regarding the symptoms; who's most at risk; if all ACL injuries require surgery and more.

common bursa injuries

A bursa injury, also known as bursitis, is one of the most common injuries in sports and can affect several parts of the body. Orthopaedic and trauma surgeon, Mr Jonathan Walczak, tells us what some of the most common bursa injuries are and what the recommended treatment is.

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