Ms Anna Miserocchi

a London


Ms Anna Miserocchi esperta in:

Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine

* Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

(6 opiniones)
Just to feel cared about & not a number.. Ace with me for weeks, like a friend & made me laugh during minor op.
15th March 2017
Written by a private patient
Listening and caring is more than any medication can do: is giving you Hope and Value( you are not a number),treating as an individual make you feel Special... Sametime is not much to do( no cure) but means everything when somebody shows active interest in helping by listening and making eye contact while trying to get as many details about the symptoms by giving you Time.. I can't find the words to express my gratitude for my nice experience on the first​ visit Thank you for your time and consideration.
1st June 2017
Written by a private patient
I was or rather still am a patient at the National Hospital for Neurosurgery and went in as an emergency case. My surgeon was Anna and from the moment we first met I was reassured by her calm confident manner. She early explained the risks and how a certain risk was higher in my surgery due to the complications I presented. She also clearly told me that if the risk occured how she would manage it. My post recovery was managed by two other excellent surgeon. Anna returned on the day of discharge to check everything was in order. Despite the issue that arose in surgery I am well on my way to recovery and it is entirely due to her.
1st August 2022
Written by a private patient
Very friendly and trusthful which I greatly appreciated. I have been waiting with the NHS a long time before going private and have been left in the dark with questions unanswered. Miss Anna helped me through all questions I had and told me how long the process would take to the best of her ability as I would like to travel to Canada later in 2023.
17th December 2022
Written by a private patient
Anna was caring from start to finish explaining the procedure and any risks involved in my epilepsy surgery thanks to her and Prof Andrew McEvoy I am now 5 months seizure free. It was a pleasure and a privilege to meet such a lovely lady.
8th February 2023
Written by a private patient
I am so grateful to Ms Anna Miserocchi. You are so caring to your patients and nothing is too much trouble. Thank for being on this journey with me.
10th March 2023
Written by a private patient

Patologie, Esami e Trattamenti


Otra información de interés de Anna Miserocchi

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