Video del Mr Billy Jowett

All about bunions - Online interview


If you have developed bunions, unfortunately it is not possible to remove them without surgery. Esteemed consultant orthopaedic surgeon, and specialist in bunion surgery explains all about the surgical options, how long it takes to recover, and if you can return to wearing heals after surgery. 00:00 Can I get rid of a bunion without surgery? 00:28 What surgeries are available? 03:54 What is the recovery time for bunion surgery? 05:04 How can I reduce swelling after bunion surgery? 05:44 Should I wear compression socks after bunion surgery? 06:00 Can I wear heels after bunion surgery? If you have bunions, and would like to book a consultation with Mr Billy Jowett to look at your options, simply visit his Top Doctors profile here today: ✔ Follow us on Instagram: ✔ Follow us on Facebook: ✔ Follow us on Twitter:

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