All about day-case hip replacements

Autore: Mr Majeed Shakokani
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 07/02/2023
Editor: Karolyn Judge

The efficiency of hip replacement procedures means that it's possible to do them safely in a day.


In this informative article, leading orthopaedic surgeon Mr Majeed Shakokani goes into expert detail about day-case hip replacement.


Woman going through outpatient criteria


What is a day-case hip replacement?

‘Same-day’ or ‘outpatient’ hip replacement, or day-case hip replacement, is a surgical procedure where a damaged or worn hip joint is replaced with an artificial one. Patients are discharged on the same day, and normally within several hours after surgery.


What are day-case hip replacement benefits?

Day case hip replacement benefits patients because there's a quicker recovery time. They can go home and recover in their own surroundings. plus the amount of further complications that can occur have lowered. 


Can all hip replacements be performed in this way?

Unfortunately, not all hip replacements can be done as a day-case procedure Adequate aftercare at home is essential to ensure patient recovery goes well.  There is a strict criteria that ensures patients are suitable for the operation.


What's involved in the day-case hip replacement procedure?

The patient will arrive at the hospital in the morning on the day of a day-case hip replacement, and will then have the procedure under spinal or general anaesthesia. The patient will be monitored after the surgery and moved to a day case ward. The patient can be discharged once it's deemed safe to do son. 


What are risks of hip replacement? When might a longer hospital stay be needed?

The risks that are generally associated with day-case hip replacement include:

  • Infection;
  • Bleeding;
  • Blood clots;
  • Nerve or blood vessel damage, and;
  • Stiffness or instability in the hip joint.


A longer hospital stay may be needed because of:

  • Low blood pressure, or;
  • If the patient isn't able to move as well as expected after the procedure. 



If you require a hip replacement and would like expert medical care for a day-case hip replacement procedure, arrange an appointment with this leading orthopaedic surgeon. Visit Mr Shakokani’s Top Doctors profile today.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Majeed Shakokani

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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