Is brachytherapy a safe way to treat prostate cancer?

Autore: Mr Ammar Alanbuki
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 02/05/2023
Editor: Cal Murphy

Prostate brachytherapy is a form of radiation therapy used to treat prostate cancer. It involves placing devices containing radiation in the prostate gland close to the cancer cells. Mr Ammar Alanbuki explains.

Group of old men at a table in a park

Types of brachytherapy

Prostate brachytherapy procedures vary based on the type of radiation you'll receive. Temporary prostate brachytherapy involves placing radioactive wires in the prostate gland for several minutes before the wires are removed. Permanent prostate brachytherapy involves placing radioactive seeds in the prostate gland permanently, where they slowly release radiation.


What are the side effects of brachytherapy?

Variable complication rates have been reported. These can include:

  • Irritative/obstructive urinary symptoms
  • Rectal symptoms
  • Storage and retention symptoms (incontinence rates were reported to be 1% with up to 3 years follow-up)
  • Sexual dysfunction (impotency rates were as high as 15%)


How much does it cost?

Cost is variable according to the provider, location and other diagnostic procedures needed, but should not be less than £10,000.


Is brachytherapy better than surgery?

Brachytherapy has comparable results to (though not better than) surgery with regards to localised prostate cancer, and is mainly advised for low-risk cases. Patient preference is part of the choice process, and it is important to remember that some other procedures like transurethral resection of prostate cancer or prostate biopsy under general anaesthesia are required beforehand.


Will I feel tired and have bowel problems after it?

General tiredness is expected. It depends of the type of brachytherapy and length of the procedure, but it is usually short lived. The main bowel problems are rectal bleeding and proctitis (inflammation of the anus), which occur in 5.6% of cases.

Brachytherapy is a procedure done under general anaesthesia. You can expect some pain and swelling in the perineum where the radiation needles were inserted.

Some relief can be achieved by placing an ice pack over the area or taking simple analgesia.

You can resume normal activities when you feel up to it. Avoid strenuous activity, such as running, or activities that may irritate the perineum, such as riding a bike, until the area where the radiation was inserted is no longer tender.


To book an appointment, visit Mr Alanbuki’s Top Doctors profile.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Ammar Alanbuki

Mr Ammar Alanbuki è uno stimato consulente urologo con cliniche private al Nuffield Health Brighton Hospital , Nuffield Health Haywards Heath e Spire Montefiore Hospital . È specializzato in cancro alla prostata , ingrossamento della prostata , cancro della vescica e del rene , chirurgia laparoscopica , calcoli renali , patologie del pene scrotale e urologia femminile .

Si è laureato nel 1998 presso l'Università Al-Mustansirya in Iraq e ha completato la formazione chirurgica di base nel nord-est dell'Inghilterra. Ha poi lavorato come ricercatore presso il Barts and London University Hospitals, lavorando al processo Riduzione di Dutasteride of Prostate Cancer Events (REDUCE). Si è unito al decanato orientale per il programma di formazione chirurgica superiore in urologia e ha ricevuto una formazione in urologia generale diagnostica e terapeutica. Ha trascorso due anni ottenendo una formazione sub-specialistica in endourologia, chirurgia renale laparoscopica e malattia della pietra presso gli ospedali della Norfolk e della Norwich University e ha completato con successo un progetto di ricerca nella gestione dei tumori testicolari come parte di un master presso la Teesside University.

Alanbuki ha lavorato come chirurgo urologico presso Brighton e Sussex NHS Trust dal 2016. La sua esperienza, le sue competenze trasferibili e la costante ricerca gli consentono di fornire la massima cura per il paziente. Ha diverse pubblicazioni e ha partecipato attivamente a riunioni nazionali e internazionali. Le sue appartenenze includono l'American Urological Association e l'European Association of Urology.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Vedi il profilo

Valutazione generale del paziente

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Malattie sessualmente trasmissibili (MST)
    Allungamento del pene (Falloplastica)
    Circoncisione adulti
    Laparoscopia urologica
    Oncologia urologica
    Urologia geriatrica
    Trapianto renale
    Frenulo corto
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