Is treatment always required for bunions?

Autore: Mr Jasdeep Giddie
Editor: Conor Lynch

In this article below, esteemed consultant foot, ankle, and trauma surgeon, Mr Jasdeep Giddie, details how bunions occur, and tells us whether or not bunions always necessarily need to be treated. 

What is a bunion, and how does it occur?

A bunion occurs when the tip of big toe moves towards the smaller toes, whilst the base of this same toe moves towards the inside, causing a painful, bony lump at the base of the big toe. Over time, the normal position of the bone, tendons, and ligaments change, resulting in the deformity. 

What are the main causes of bunions?

The exact cause of bunions is unknown, but tight-fitting shoes and a family history have been found to be possible factors leading to their development. 



Is treatment always required for bunions?

Some people manage well with their bunions, and if they can continue their daily activities without pain or discomfort, no treatment would be required. In other patients where the bunion does cause pain or discomfort and the patient wishes to avoid surgery, they can manage this through wearing wide-fitting shoes and insoles, and by taking painkillers. 


When is surgery for bunions required?

Surgery would be recommended if the above measures have failed to control the symptoms of pain and discomfort. 


Is it possible for both feet to be operated on at the same time?

Both feet could be operated on at the same time, yes. The pros for this are that it is one anaesthetic and one recovery period. 


What is recovery like after bunion surgery?

After bunion surgery, patients are required to use special shoes. Although they can walk, we do recommend they rest and keep their operated leg elevated to help reduce the pain and swelling. 


Between four and six weeks following their surgery, an X-ray will be obtained. If the X-ray confirms the bones have healed and the patient is comfortable, your surgeon will advise you to gradually return to normal activities including driving and walking, with the aim of returning to normal between 10 to 12 weeks.


Mr Jasdeep Giddie is a highly experienced and qualified consultant foot, ankle, and trauma surgeon who specialises in bunion surgery. If you wish to schedule in an appointment with him today, you can do just that by heading on over to his Top Doctors profile today.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Jasdeep Giddie

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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