Knee Arthroscopy: your questions answered

Autore: Mr Krishna Boddu
Editor: Aoife Maguire

If you are considering knee arthroscopy, you may have questions about what it entails, its benefits, and what to expect during and after the procedure. Revered consultant orthopaedic surgeon Mr Krishna Boddu provides you with a clear understanding of the procedure, its uses, and its outcomes.



What is knee arthroscopy?


Knee arthroscopy is a surgical technique that allows orthopaedic surgeons to visualise, diagnose, and treat problems inside the knee joint through small incisions. It involves the use of a tiny camera called an arthroscope, which is inserted into the knee joint. This camera displays images on a monitor, allowing the surgeon to examine the structures inside the knee, such as the cartilage, ligaments, and tendons.


What are the indications for knee arthroscopy?


Your doctor may recommend knee arthroscopy if you are experiencing persistent knee pain, swelling, or instability that hasn't responded to non-surgical treatments like medication, physical therapy, or injections. Common conditions treated with knee arthroscopy include meniscal tears, cartilage damage, ligament injuries (such as anterior cruciate ligament tears), and synovitis (inflammation of the joint lining).


What happens during the procedure?


During knee arthroscopy, you'll be under either general or regional anaesthesia, depending on your surgeon's preference and the complexity of the procedure. Once you're anaesthetised, small incisions will be made around your knee, through which the arthroscope and surgical instruments will be inserted. The surgeon will then examine the interior of your knee and perform any necessary repairs or procedures.


What are the principal advantages of knee arthroscopy?


One of the main advantages of knee arthroscopy is its minimally invasive nature, which typically results in less pain, scarring, and a faster recovery compared to traditional open surgery. Additionally, because only small incisions are made, there's a lower risk of complications such as infection and blood loss. Many patients are able to return to their normal activities relatively quickly after knee arthroscopy.


What happens during the recovery process, and what rehabilitation steps can I follow?


After knee arthroscopy, you'll likely need to rest and elevate your leg to reduce swelling. Your surgeon may recommend using crutches or a knee brace to support and protect your knee during the initial recovery period. Physical therapy exercises will also be prescribed to help restore strength, flexibility, and range of motion to your knee joint.




If you are interested in knee arthroscopy and would like to book a consultation with Mr Boddu, simply visit his Top Doctors profile today.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Krishna Boddu

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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