The do’s and don'ts of cataract surgery recovery

Autore: Ms Velloor Jayshree Menon
Editor: Sophie Kennedy

Cataract surgery is one of the most commonly performed surgeries in the world and thanks to modern operative techniques, it is safer than ever before. In this informative article, leading consultant ophthalmologist Miss Velloor Jayshree Menon gives an expert guide to recovery following cataract surgery, including advice or what to avoid and how to protect your eyes. The renowned specialist also outlines the benefits and improvements to vision quality brought by this type of surgery.



What is cataract surgery?


The eye has a clear crystalline lens which helps with focusing, similar to the lens in a camera. As time passes the lens becomes less clear and gradually becomes translucent or even opaque in extreme cases. This is called a cataract.


Cataract surgery is the operation to remove the cataract and replace the lens with a clear artificial lens. The most commonly performed cataract surgery nowadays uses ultrasound energy and is called phacoemulsification. This is usually performed under local anaesthesia or with eye drops as a day case procedure through a tiny incision which is approximately 1.8-2.2 mm in size. The vast majority of these operations are completed in ten to twenty minutes and no stitches are needed.



What is the average recovery time from cataract surgery?


Most patients recover uneventfully from the surgery provided they take due care and follow the post-operative instructions carefully. Whilst an improvement in vision may be noticeable as early as the first post-operative day, complete recovery may take around two weeks or longer in complex cases.



How long does it take for blurriness to go away after cataract surgery?


Vision recovers very quickly after cataract surgery with most reporting brighter colours within a day or two. Sight improves on a daily basis and most of the blurriness resolves within the first two weeks.



What are the most common problems after cataract surgery?


Patients may experience a sensation of grittiness as the eye settles after cataract surgery. Some experience symptoms of dry eyes which can be easily treated with the use of ocular lubricants. The eye may look bloodshot for the first few days but this gradually settles and does not affect recovery.


If a standard (monofocal) intraocular lens is implanted, reading vision may be blurred but can be easily corrected with glasses. Less common problems include inflammation and infection.



What should I avoid after cataract surgery?


It would be sensible to avoid any strenuous activities such heavy lifting as well as common sources of infection (such as eye make-up, gardening, swimming, splashes into the eye while bathing or cooking, contact with pet hair etc.) for the first two weeks.


You would be advised to protect the operated eye from injury and given a shield to wear at bedtime. Close attention must be paid to hand hygiene to guard the eye against infection.



If you are considering cataract surgery and wish to discuss your options further, don’t hesitate to visit Miss Menon’s Top Doctors profile to book a consultation.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Ms Velloor Jayshree Menon

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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