What is molecular profile gene-sequenced-based therapy?

Autore: Professor Hany Eldeeb
Editor: Conor Lynch

In one of our latest articles below, highly regarded and qualified consultant medical and clinical oncologist, Professor Hany Eldeeb, provides a detailed account of molecular profile gene-sequenced-based therapy.

What is molecular profile gene-sequenced-based therapy?

It is a method that detects the presence of specific biomarkers – genes, proteins, or other molecules – in either tumour tissue or blood samples.
This approach of treatment does not replace the standard of care. Sometimes, we might detect mutations, but we still do not have a target drug to use as treatment.


Who is it suitable for?

It could be used at an early stage of cancer diagnosis to help with the outlining of the patient’s treatment plan, or it can be used for cancer patients who have not responded well to standard treatment options.


What are the associated complications?

Molecular profile gene-sequenced-based therapy also has some associated complications and challenges, such as:


  • the cost and availability of molecular profiling tests 
  • adverse side effects


These complications highlight the need for further research and development to optimise the use of molecular profile gene-sequenced-based therapy in cancer patients.


How effective is it?

In certain circumstances, molecular profiling can identify rare targets that could lead to a tailored treatment to the patient with much better outcomes compared to standard empirical therapy.


To consult with Professor Hany Eldeeb today, visit his Top Doctors profile today.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Professor Hany Eldeeb
Oncologia radioterapica

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Cancro alla prostata
    Cancro al seno
    Tumori ossei
    Malformazioni del sistema nervoso
    Tumori cerebrali
    Tumori medulari
    Tumori testicolari
    Cancro della tiroide
    Tumori delle ghiandole surrenali
    Neurologia oncologica
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