ACL reconstruction – the single tendon hamstring repair technique

Escrito por: Mr Charles Willis-Owen
Publicado: | Actualizado: 08/04/2020
Editado por: Jay Staniland

An ACL reconstruction is needed for people who have had a knee injury and torn, (or ruptured, which has the same meaning) the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The ACL is the key structure responsible for stopping the knee giving way during twisting and pivoting activities. If the knee is giving way or feeling unstable after an injury you may well need an ACL reconstruction.


What is the procedure for ACL reconstruction?


ACL reconstruction is performed as a keyhole surgery procedure. The operation usually takes less than an hour. The procedure is done under a general anaesthetic, but can be done with the patient awake and the leg numbed. ACL reconstruction is usually done as a day case, meaning that most people can go home the same day, but will need crutches for a week or two.


What is the single tendon hamstring repair technique for ACL reconstruction?


The traditional, 'old-fashioned' way to make a new ACL is by using the two main hamstring tendons from the leg, folding them over to make them double thickness, and implant this in the knee. At the end of the surgery there is spare tendon left over which gets thrown away. This can seem a waste, and there is a lot of pain and weakness associated with losing both of the hamstring tendons. For this reason Mr Willis-Owen has developed a technique to use just one of the tendons and fold it over twice to give four strands of the same tendon.

This method produces strands that are almost always just the right length and actually give a thicker, stronger ACL without any wastage. This technique also avoids the additional damage of cutting out the second tendon. The single tendon hamstring repair technique is gradually being adopted by other surgeons as the preferred method.


How long does it take to recover from ACL reconstruction surgery?


Most people need crutches for a week or two following ACL reconstruction surgery, and will be walking well, without any limp by six weeks. Activities such as cycling can starts at six weeks and running after about week eight or ten. However, because of the time it takes for the graft to heal into the body most people need a full nine months before returning to full twisting and pivoting sports.

If you feel that you may need ACL reconstruction, and would like a consultation with a specialist, make an appointment here.

Mr Charles Willis-Owen

Por Mr Charles Willis-Owen

El Sr. Charles Willis-Owen es un cirujano ortopédico líder, especializado en problemas de rodilla y lesiones deportivas de cadera, rodilla, tobillo y pie. Desde sus clínicas privadas en Poole y Bournemouth, el Sr. Willis-Owen ofrece las últimas técnicas y experiencia en el tratamiento de sus pacientes, y ofrece tratamientos como la terapia de ondas de choque, la terapia de inyección y el trabajo con células madre. Utiliza una técnica pionera de tendones isquiotibiales de tendón único para la reconstrucción del LCA, que proporciona una recuperación más rápida y un ligamento más fuerte. El señor Willis-Owen es también uno de los pocos cirujanos en el Reino Unido que brinda cirugía robótica de rodilla asistida, y también proporciona reemplazo de rodilla de alto rendimiento hecho a medida.

El Sr. Willis-Owen es un entusiasta de los deportes, compite en muchos deportes como correr, remar y ha representado a Gran Bretaña en el Campeonato Mundial de Ciclismo en 2017, lo que le da la ventaja de que comprende completamente los tipos de lesiones deportivas que las personas pueden tener , el impacto que pueden tener en los deportistas y la importancia de recibir un tratamiento completo y una recuperación lo más rápida y efectiva posible para continuar practicando deportes. Él trata a una amplia gama de deportistas, desde los actuales campeones del mundo hasta los guerreros de fin de semana.

Junto con su práctica clínica, el Sr. Willis-Owen ha escrito y contribuido a numerosos artículos revisados ​​por pares en revistas médicas.

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