Breast augmentation: choosing the right options for you

Escrito por: Mr Maisam Fazel
Publicado: | Actualizado: 09/10/2023
Editado por: Bronwen Griffiths

Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure which enhances and changes the size of female breasts. Not every breast augmentation is the same however, and there are numerous choices to be made when getting this procedure done. Mr Maisam Fazel, an expert aesthetic surgeon, guides us through the different options available and the important considerations to keep in mind

How do I choose my breast implant size?

Choosing your breast implant size is probably the most important decision you will make when undergoing a breast augmentation. When patients come to see me, they will often talk about breast size in terms of cup sizes. However, it is important to understand that cup sizes are not standard. For example, you can buy a bra in one shop where a C-cup fits, whereas in another shop an E-cup fits. Therefore, when deciding to undergo a breast augmentation, it is best to steer clear of relating size to cup sizes.

A better way to choose your breast implant size is to talk about shape, size, and volume. For example, you can have a 300cc implant, but a 300cc implant is not the same in all patients. A 300cc implant can either be a narrow high projecting one, which for example pushes forward more, or it can be a flat broad one which is called a low projecting implant. They can be both 300cc. 

The best way to choose implant size is by using dimensions. In my practice, I measure the patient and determine what their natural anatomy is. Then we perform a sizing exercise which allows the patients to try on different sizes to have a look to see what works for them and then based on the look, we select the appropriate implant. This way, we ensure that the implant that they select is appropriate to their frame.

What is the difference between round and teardrop breast implants?

The profile of the round implant is equal, and looks like a semi-circle, whereas the teardrop shaped implant has a slope. Many people think that with a teardrop shaped implant, you get a much more natural result, however, that is not necessarily the case. You can achieve a similar result by using an appropriately selected round implant. 

The teardrop implants are however an excellent option for breast reconstruction and I would suggest this shape for slightly older women who may need more fullness in the lower part of the breast. Round implants are great for the younger patient who is just looking for larger breasts.

One important thing to keep in mind is that with the teardrop shaped implant, although it can give a great look, there is always a small chance that it can rotate so that it sits upside down which may require surgery to fix.

What is the difference between having implants under or over the muscle?

When undergoing a breast augmentation, the implants can either be placed under the muscle or over the muscle.

During the patient consultation, I estimate the amount of breast tissue that is present. If there is not enough breast tissue, then I generally recommend that the patient has the implants placed behind the muscle. If there is enough breast tissue, then the patient can have implant placed over the muscle.

There are some important anatomical and aesthetic considerations as well. If the implant is placed behind the muscle, it generally gives a more natural look. Also, there is a slightly lower risk of developing rippling, which can be more prominent if the implant is over the muscle, especially in a slimmer patient. 

The second issue is that if the implant is placed behind the muscle, there is generally less disruption to the breast unit. 

The third point to consider is the degree of pain involved. Many people are concerned that if the implant is placed behind the muscle, it is more painful. Perhaps in some patients for the first few days, it can be a little bit more uncomfortable though with the appropriate amount of painkillers and appropriate use of local anaesthetic, the pain scores of patients undergoing breast augmentation with implants behind the muscle as opposed to over the muscle can be very similar. 

If you are interested in breast augmentation, Mr Fazel would be happy to see you in his clinic.

Por Mr Maisam Fazel
Cirugía general

El Sr. Maisam Fazel es un cirujano estético, oncoplástico y reconstructivo consultor basado en varias clínicas prominentes en Londres y los Home Counties . Tiene una formación única en cirugía plástica y de mama, con un interés clínico en la cirugía estética, la reconstrucción mamaria y el cáncer de mama.

El Sr. Fazel se formó en varios hospitales docentes líderes en Londres, París y Milán, y completó varias becas tanto en el Reino Unido como en EE. UU., Incluida la prestigiosa Royal Cosmetic of Surgeons Cosmetic Fellowship, adquiriendo una considerable experiencia en una variedad de procedimientos cosméticos y trabajando con algunos de los mejores cirujanos plásticos en el Reino Unido.

El Sr. Fazel es un destacado experto en cirugía de ginecomastia que ha sido pionero en técnicas innovadoras en esta área. También es conocido por su trabajo en la remodelación del cuerpo después del embarazo (mamografías), la liposucción VASER, la cirugía suave PLEXR y la variedad de técnicas oncoplásticas utilizadas durante la cirugía de cáncer de mama.

El Sr. Fazel ha publicado ampliamente en su campo, con publicaciones en cirugía cosmética y reconstructiva a su nombre, y ha presentado regularmente su trabajo a nivel nacional e internacional. También participa activamente en la investigación de reconstrucción mamaria y ha sido parte de la facultad del Royal College of Surgeons. Con frecuencia es invitado a dar conferencias internacionales y también participa en organizaciones benéficas médicas en el mundo en desarrollo.

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