Causes treatments common triggers childhood eczema

Escrito por: Professor Andrew Wright
Publicado: | Actualizado: 29/05/2023
Editado por: Cameron Gibson-Watt

Sometimes referred to as atopic eczemachildhood eczema belongs to a group of conditions that, in addition to eczema, include asthmahay fever and certain food allergies. Those affected will often have all or some of these problems.


In this article, renowned consultant dermatologists, Professor Andrew Wright, explains more about the development of eczema in young children, how it can be effectively treated and what common triggers you should look out for.



Where does eczema typically first develop?


This type of eczema initially appears in the first six to eight weeks of life. It often develops in what is described as a flexion pattern, that is, around the wriststhe insides of the crook of the elbowsbehind the knees and around the neck. If the eczema is poorly controlled, it may steadily become much more generalised and chronic.


As there is a genetic predisposition to the condition, it is often recognised at an early stage as other family members are also affected. However, help at this stage with input and expert advice is essential in controlling the condition and helping to prevent its progression.


How can eczema be treated?


Atopic eczema is a multifactorial condition, and most patients benefit from the attention and support of experienced healthcare professionals. Generally, the skin is dry and regular application of a moisturiser to improve dryness will hopefully reduce the need for topical steroid medications. However, most eczema requires short bursts of topical steroids to bring it under control. Supervision should usually be carried out by people experienced in the management of eczema.

Occasionally, infection can exacerbate eczema and short courses of antibiotics may be necessary.



What are some common eczema triggers?


The development of an allergy to a variety of things can play a role in the development and exacerbation of eczema.


The most common allergens are so-called aeroallergens - things that can be transmitted through the air. These include:


Occasionally, food allergies, particularly to milkeggsfishnuts and wheat can occur.


The presence of any of the above allergens can sometimes make eczema worse and more difficult to manage.


Food allergy testing should be performed by healthcare professionals experienced in this area. It is important to note that excessive dietary changes can lead to malnutrition and other problems. Therefore, dietary changes should only be made under medical supervision.


Where can patients and families get extra support?


There are several support and self-help groups for patients and families with eczema. The National Eczema Society has a good website and provides excellent general advice and guidance. 



If you or your child have eczema and need specialist advice, don't hesitate to book a consultation with Professor Andrew Wright via his Top Doctors profile today.

Por Professor Andrew Wright

El profesor Andrew Leslie Wright es dermatólogo consultor en Bradford y Leeds y se especializa en eccema , psoriasis , cáncer de piel y alergias cutáneas .

Habiendo decidido especializarse en dermatología, el profesor Wright adquirió la mayor experiencia médica posible trabajando en una unidad de enfermedades infecciosas, en medicina torácica, cardiología y endocrinología. Pasó seis meses trabajando en una unidad de atención coronaria y seis meses en un departamento de urgencias donde adquirió experiencia con una amplia variedad de procedimientos prácticos.

El profesor Wright pasó seis meses en el Departamento de Dermatología de Rupert Hallam, Sheffield como parte de una rotación médica. Luego pasó 20 meses en el Departamento de Dermatología de la Universidad, Royal Infirmary, Edimburgo.

El profesor Wright se compromete a enseñar a estudiantes de medicina de pregrado tanto en la clínica ambulatoria como en cursos formales de conferencias. Supervisa a los estudiantes que realizan módulos de estudio especiales y examina a los estudiantes de medicina de la Universidad de Leeds. Es profesor visitante honorario en la Universidad de Bradford y miembro del Centro de Ciencias de la Piel de la Universidad de Bradford.

Ha aparecido en televisión, tanto en vivo como grabado, en numerosas ocasiones y ha realizado muchas entrevistas de radio, particularmente con respecto a la conciencia solar y el cáncer de piel. Recientemente ha contribuido a dos episodios del programa Channel 4 Embarrassing Bodies.

El profesor Wright es miembro de varias sociedades profesionales, incluidas la Asociación Británica de Dermatólogos, la Sociedad Europea de Dermatitis de Contacto, la Sociedad Británica de Dermatología de Investigación y la Sociedad Británica de Cabello y Uñas.

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