New teeth in one day

Escrito por: Dr Peter Sanders
Publicado: | Actualizado: 15/11/2023
Editado por: Cameron Gibson-Watt


Over 20 years ago, it was normal procedure to wait up to 6 months for your dentist to even start putting dental implants in. Nowadays, thanks to the advancement in technology and modern implant techniques, we are able to greatly reduce this waiting time. Dr Peter Sanders, a leading dentist and implantologist, explains how the process of fitting a permanent replacement of fixed teeth in just a single day has become a routine procedure in his practice.

Implants are now a widely accept method of replacing missing or damaged teeth. They are not only a permanent solution, but they also simulate real teeth and therefore you avoid the annoyance and discomfort experienced when wearing removable dentures.

Furthermore, the reduction in jawbone tissue that bridges or dentures cause, can often result in the ageing of the patient’s face. Implants, however, prevent this bone loss and help retain the natural shape of the jaw.

The Teeth in a Day treatment, also known as immediate loading implants, offered at Dental Confidence allows you to leave with a new set of teeth on the same day. Our experience in this area has helped us speed up treatment for patients, allowing them to leave with a restored confidence in their smile. This procedure has now become routine part of our practice.


What is the process like?

The first part of the process is to sit down and have a deep and meaningful discussion with the patient to fully understand their desires, fears and expectations of the whole procedure. At Dental Confidence, we understand the importance of building relationships with our patients based on trust and confidence.

The patient normally begins the process with a CT scan so that the dentist can check the amount of bone in the jaw and see how healthy it is. The unhealthy or failing teeth are normally removed and replaced with a temporary prototype on the same day. These prototype teeth look very natural and close to the permanent set. They are used to test the aesthetics and function so when the final teeth are made, any changes in colour, shape and bite can easily be made.


How long until the real teeth are fitted?

Naturally, there is a lot of preparation, planning and digital laboratory work that needs to go into this procedure. The implants are usually made of titanium and have an internal screw that holds the denture in place. From the day the prototypes are placed, it takes around four months for the permanent teeth to be completed and fitted.


How real do the temporary ones look?

Our before and after photos of Oscar, a client who received our Teeth in a Day treatment, show how natural the temporary teeth look. Oscar suffered from a failing dentition and visited the clinic for a full restoration of his upper and lower teeth. He had lost a lot of teeth and the others were rotting. He was using dentures previously but found them uncomfortable and they also affected his experience of eating, so five implants were placed in the top and four along the bottom.

As you can see, they look incredibly natural and are already a huge improvement both aesthetically and physically. Oscar went back to eating all the crunchy food that he couldn’t eat previously, the next day after treatment! In four months, he received his new, beautiful permanent set of teeth.


How do you care for the permanent implants?

Good oral hygiene is still vital and patients should care for implants as they would their real teeth. Sometimes, people request a special type of floss and tooth brush for added care. If you don’t practice good oral hygiene with your implants, plaque build-up and gum disease can occur, just as it would with real teeth. However, if you look after them, they can last a lifetime!


If you are interested in finding out more about the Teeth in a Day treatment, visit Dr Peter Sanders’s profile and book an appointment.

Dr Peter Sanders

Por Dr Peter Sanders
Odontología y estomatología

El Dr. Peter Sanders es un dentista muy respetado e influyente con una reputación bien merecida como uno de los principales implantólogos del Reino Unido.

El Dr. Sanders ha sido un dentista en ejercicio desde 1981 y comenzó su formación en implantes en 1997, donde estudió en el Eastman Dental Institute de Londres . En 2005 se convirtió en el primer dentista de la región en obtener el Diploma de Implante del Royal College of Surgeons. Durante los años siguientes, pasó a ser Director de Programa y Examinador para ese curso. Actualmente es presidente de Implant Diploma Alumni y ha sido presidente de la British Society for Advanced Dentistry.

En 2009, el Dr. Sanders obtuvo una maestría en Implantología y en 2011 recibió la Beca de la Facultad de Práctica Dental General. El Dr. Sanders es miembro del Colegio Internacional de Odontólogos y actualmente es Examinador Jefe de la Maestría Europea en Ciencias en Odontología de Implantes en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid.

Habiendo sido pionero en el método de soldadura intraoral en el Reino Unido, el Dr. Sanders es el Embajador británico de la innovadora técnica de implantes , siendo el primer dentista en el Reino Unido en practicar el método de carga de implantes que se basa en un principio de soldadura por puntos de resistencia. Ahora entrena y asesora a aquellos que desean practicar el nuevo protocolo restaurativo mejorado. En 2018 también fue nombrado instructor global de Zimmer Biomet. El Dr. Sanders también presenta regularmente en varios eventos profesionales clave a nivel internacional.

Como líder clínico en Dental Confidence Ltd en Southampton, él practica exclusivamente la odontología de implantes. El Dr. Sanders también ha desarrollado un programa de asesoramiento de implantes completo y práctico, diseñado para ayudar a fomentar el desarrollo de dentistas en ejercicio, mejorando su conocimiento, confianza y competencia en la implantología. Su mentoría tiene como único objetivo involucrar a todo el equipo dental para permitir que los dentistas participantes incluyan la implantología dental en su ámbito de práctica.

Aparte de su experiencia clínica, el Dr. Sanders fue el primer dentista del mundo en lograr que su consultorio alcanzara el estándar de gestión de calidad ISO9000.

Peter es un padre ocupado de cuatro hijos con seis nietos, con pasatiempos que incluyen el esquí, el ciclismo y el motociclismo, el canto y la guitarra clásica.

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