The nStride injection - how it can help with osteoarthritis in the knee

Escrito por: Mr Charles Willis-Owen
Publicado: | Actualizado: 20/02/2020
Editado por: Nicholas Howley

Osteoarthritis in the knee has traditionally been managed with steroid injections to relieve pain, and in the end stage, a knee replacement. For younger patients neither of these treatments are ideal in the long term, so could a new treatment called the nStride injection offer a solution? We asked leading consultant orthopaedic surgeon Mr Charles Willis-Owen how the nStride injection works and how it differs from other therapies.

What is the nStride injection?

The nStride injection is a new type of therapy for the knee. It is an autologous injection, meaning the substance injected is taken from your own body.

What conditions does the nStride injection treat?

nStride is mainly used in the treatment of early osteoarthritis on the knee. It is ideal for younger people with knee arthritis who want to avoid surgery, and anyone who does not like the idea of a knee replacement for early arthritis. The aim is to treat the symptoms of osteoarthritis, as well as slow the progression of the condition.

How does the nStride work to improve symptoms?

nStride involves taking blood from a vein in your arm like an ordinary blood test, extracting the white blood cells in a centrifuge, and then spinning them again to get the good proteins out of those white blood cells.

It is these healing proteins that we then inject into the knee. These can then supercharge the healing process by enhancing your body’s own ability to control inflammation.

The result is reduced pain, reduced stiffness and increased mobility and flexibility.

How many nStride injections are needed to produce results?

Good results are seem after just one injection, and that is all that is needed. It has been shown to give improvements for as long as two years.

How do nStride and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections differ?

Platelet-rich plasma is another common knee injection, but this uses concentrated platelets only. These are components of your blood which are involved in clotting. The evidence for them in knee arthritis is not very strong, but they are useful for other indications such as tendon problems.

In contrast, nStride uses healing proteins from within the white blood cells, so it is much better placed to treat conditions which cause damage to soft tissues such as the cartilage, which often does not heal well on its own.

Mr Charles Willis-Owen

Por Mr Charles Willis-Owen

El Sr. Charles Willis-Owen es un cirujano ortopédico líder, especializado en problemas de rodilla y lesiones deportivas de cadera, rodilla, tobillo y pie. Desde sus clínicas privadas en Poole y Bournemouth, el Sr. Willis-Owen ofrece las últimas técnicas y experiencia en el tratamiento de sus pacientes, y ofrece tratamientos como la terapia de ondas de choque, la terapia de inyección y el trabajo con células madre. Utiliza una técnica pionera de tendones isquiotibiales de tendón único para la reconstrucción del LCA, que proporciona una recuperación más rápida y un ligamento más fuerte. El señor Willis-Owen es también uno de los pocos cirujanos en el Reino Unido que brinda cirugía robótica de rodilla asistida, y también proporciona reemplazo de rodilla de alto rendimiento hecho a medida.

El Sr. Willis-Owen es un entusiasta de los deportes, compite en muchos deportes como correr, remar y ha representado a Gran Bretaña en el Campeonato Mundial de Ciclismo en 2017, lo que le da la ventaja de que comprende completamente los tipos de lesiones deportivas que las personas pueden tener , el impacto que pueden tener en los deportistas y la importancia de recibir un tratamiento completo y una recuperación lo más rápida y efectiva posible para continuar practicando deportes. Él trata a una amplia gama de deportistas, desde los actuales campeones del mundo hasta los guerreros de fin de semana.

Junto con su práctica clínica, el Sr. Willis-Owen ha escrito y contribuido a numerosos artículos revisados ​​por pares en revistas médicas.

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