Vision correction: an overview of the most common and most effective procedures

Escrito por: Mr Aris Konstantopoulos
Publicado: | Actualizado: 13/09/2023
Editado por: Conor Lynch

If you have ever wanted to improve the vision and overall health of your eyes and have considered or are currently considering undergoing a vision-correcting procedure, then expert consultant ophthalmologist, Mr Aris Konstantopoulos, might have the information you have been wanting to read about.


In our latest article, Mr Konstantopoulos outlines three of the most common and most effective vision-correction surgical procedures available for patients today.


LASIK, commonly referred to as laser eye surgery, is the world's most commonly performed laser vision correction procedure. Over the past 30 years; since its availability; more than 40 million procedures have been carried out worldwide with great success. It can be used to treat short-sightedness, long sightedness and astigmatism.


A LASIK vision-correction procedure is performed by altering the shape of the cornea and focusing the light rays sharply on the retina. Satisfaction rates are overwhelmingly high, with more than 99 per cent of patients being extremely satisfied with the visual outcome.


Typically, the majority of patients will achieve 6/6 or 20/20 vision the day after the operation. It is a very successful procedure that can improve the quality of your vision and also give you the freedom of life, in addition to reducing the risks associated with contact lens wear, such as dry eye and (eye) infection.



SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction) is the latest innovation in laser vision-correction surgery. The acronym SMILE stands for small incision lenticule extraction. Unlike the LASIK procedure, the SMILE operation does not involve the creation of a flap. It is a keyhole operation that is performed through a three-millimeter incision.


The advantages associated with small incision surgery are manyfold, as keyhole surgery has become much more common in a variety of operations. The advantages of SMILE include:


  • potentially less dry eye
  • better biomechanical stability
  • better long-term stability


PRESBYOND laser blended vision: compensation for presbyopia

Presbyopia is the medical term used to refer to the need for reading glasses. As we get older, the lens inside our eyes loses the natural elasticity. As a result, we lose the ability to focus, which results in many of us requiring the use of reading glasses in order to see close up. Although presbyopia cannot be cured, PRESBYOND laser blended vision correction offers a unique opportunity to compensate for presbyopia.


Presbyond is carried out by focusing the dominant eye for distance and your non-dominant eye for near sight. Presbyond is very different to traditional monovision, due to the fact that it increases the depth of field of each eye, creating a unique blend zone.


This allows the two eyes to work well together with no disparity for distance and near. Presbyond is a type of LASIK procedure that can eliminate the need for both distance and reading glasses.


All laser vision correction procedures, including LASIK, SMILE and Presbyond, are all equally excellent vision-correction procedures. The best, most ideal procedure for you really depends on your unique characteristics, such as your age, your type of prescription, the degree of prescription, the shape of your cornea, as well as the desired outcome and lifestyle that you wish to achieve.


Therefore, we spend a significant amount of time examining the eyes in the clinical consultation, and so too in the overall assessment of the given state of your eyes. We prioritise understanding what you would like to achieve in order to identify the best possible procedure for you.


Mr Aris Konstantopoulos is a revered consultant ophthalmologist who can help treat any eye-related condition you may be suffering from. If you are considering undergoing one of the vision-correcting procedures mentioned above, be sure to check out Mr Konstantopoulos’ Top Doctors profile to book an appointment with him.

Por Mr Aris Konstantopoulos

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