What is breast uplift surgery?

Escrito por: Mr Jonathan Britto
Publicado: | Actualizado: 04/12/2019
Editado por: Bronwen Griffiths

Breast uplift surgery is a procedure that involves the removal of loose, excess skin from around the breasts as well as re-shaping the breast tissue to produce a more youthful and firmer look. Mr Jonathan Britto, a leading plastic surgeon, details who might consider such a procedure, what it entails and what to expect.

Who has breast uplift surgery?

Breast uplift surgery is usually requested by ladies who have a sagging breast balance with a lax breast and a low breast below the inframammary crease. The aim is to make the most of the natural breast volume by lifting the breast, reshaping it, and providing projection and support to the nipple-area-complex. The aim of the surgery is to uplift, reshape, and make the breast more youthful in its uplifted position.

When is breast uplift surgery combined with breast implants?

Breast uplift can be combined with breast implants in a single stage or in fact in two stages. When combined with breast implants in a single stage, the aim is to retain volume, uplift the breast and support it in its uplifted position with an implant. One of the issues with combination single-stage surgery is that it is often difficult to get that breast balance correct when you’re operating with an implant behind the breast and also uplifting the breast and it’s not uncommon to have a tidy up procedure as a second stage even after its planned single stage surgery. The two-stage approach is therefore often appreciated because it allows fine tuning at each stage.

Where are the scars for breast uplift surgery?

Breast uplift surgery can be done with a single scar around the areola of the nipple. In fact, it really depends upon the nature of the tissue balance. Where there’s an excess of skin, that skin requires to be removed and that requires extending the scar as a vertical scar between the areola and the inframammary crease and from side to side in an inverted anchor pattern.

Much of the scarring of breast uplift surgery really depends upon the bespoke requirements. The aim is to get the balance of the breast, the skin, and the nipple-areola position just right to provide an uplifted and shapely breast.


If you would like to learn more or are considering breast uplift surgery, make an appointment with a specialist.

Por Mr Jonathan Britto
Cirugía plástica, estética y reparadora

El Sr. Jonathan Britto es un cirujano plástico consultor líder con sede en Londres y Essex . Con 15 años en consultoría de cirugía plástica, se ha ganado su reputación como una de las voces más respetadas y autorizadas en cirugía plástica, reconstructiva y craneofacial. Sus especialidades incluyen cirugía facial estética y reconstructiva, donde aporta el arte y la ciencia de sus 25 años de estudio en el desarrollo facial y la restauración de su oficio.

Sus clientes también disfrutan de resultados satisfactorios de su toque en los procedimientos estéticos de contorno de los senos y el cuerpo. En la vanguardia de su campo, desarrolla y refina constantemente técnicas quirúrgicas y no quirúrgicas. Crear una relación personal sólida con sus clientes es de suma importancia para él, y su filosofía en la atención al paciente es informar, tranquilizar y dar el tiempo necesario para explicar todas las opciones de tratamiento.

Su experiencia es frecuentemente requerida para casos complejos y técnicamente desafiantes, dando esperanza a muchos que podrían haber perdido la confianza. Meticuloso en su oficio, se esfuerza por lograr lo mejor, presentando sus resultados regularmente a reuniones profesionales de revisión por pares en todo el mundo y en sesiones de enseñanza. Ha escrito muchos libros y capítulos de libros, y ha aprendido artículos para revistas revisadas por pares sobre temas que abarcan desde la anatomía facial hasta la cirugía craneofacial y la rinoplastia estética.

El Sr. Britto aporta su autoridad profesional y calidez personal a sus pacientes y sus familias, y brinda un servicio compasivo y acogedor para obtener los mejores resultados clínicos y personales posibles.

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