El manguito gástrico es una técnica quirúrgica en la cirugía bariátrica para la obesidad.
Manga gástrica
El manguito gástrico es una técnica quirúrgica en la cirugía bariátrica para la obesidad.
What is metabolic endoscopy?
Por Dr Jude A. Oben
Metabolic endoscopy is an innovate procedure in weight management that delves into the physiological processes that influence weight gain, retention, and loss. Here, Dr Jude Oben, renowned consultant hepatologist, offers his expert insight into metabolic endoscopy and its role in long-term weight management. Ver más
Sleeve gastrectomy: Your questions answered
Por Mr George Vasilikostas
In his latest online article, esteemed consultant general, gastrointestinal and bariatric surgeon Mr George Vasilikostas delves into sleeve gastrectomy, a common weight loss procedure. He explains what the surgery entails, and answers other frequently asked questions. Ver más
Understanding bariatric surgery: Procedures, pain, and life expectancy
Por Mr Oliver Old
In recent years, bariatric surgery has emerged as the leading solution for individuals struggling with severe obesity. This transformative procedure offers hope for improved health and quality of life. In this guide, consultant general surgeon and bariatric specialist Mr Oliver Old explains some of the key elements of bariatric surgery to provide clarity for patients considering this option. Ver más
Gastric sleeve surgery: A popular weight loss surgery
Por Mr Sanjay Agrawal
Gastric sleeve surgery is just one of several weight loss surgical procedures (medically referred to as bariatric surgeries). These are used to treat obesity when non-surgical measures haven’t worked. Mr Agrawal is a leading weight loss surgeon and, in this article, he explains why gastric sleeve surgery is the most common bariatric procedure, who’s eligible, the possible complications and how much weight you can expect to lose. Ver más
Doctores expertos en Manga gástrica
Professor Francesco Rubino
Cirugía generalExperto en:
- Manga gástrica
- Cirugía de la Diabetes
- Bariatric surgery
- Obesidad
- Bypass gástrico
- Banda gástrica
Mr Majid Hashemi
Cirugía generalExperto en:
- Manga gástrica
- Achalasia
- Reflujo gastroesofágico
- Hernia de hiato
- Bypass gástrico
- Cirugía de la obesidad
Mr Bart Decadt
Cirugía generalExperto en:
- Cirugía de la obesidad
- Manga gástrica
- Banda gástrica
- Bypass gástrico
- Reflujo gastroesofágico
- Cirugía de la vesícula biliar
Dr Antanas Mickevicius
Cirugía generalExperto en:
- Bypass gástrico
- Manga gástrica
- Cirugía gastrointestinal superior
- Reflujo gastroesofágico
- Hernia de hiato
- Complicaciones de la cirugía bariátrica
Mr Sasindran Ramar
Cirugía generalExperto en:
- Bariatric surgery
- Cirugía de la Diabetes
- Bypass gástrico
- Manga gástrica
- Cirugía de la vesícula biliar
- Cirugía de hernia de hiato
- Ver todos
The Blackheath Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
The Blackheath Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
40-42 Lee Terrace, Blackheath, London SE3 9UD
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Top Doctors
The Alexandra Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
The Alexandra Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Mill Ln, Cheadle, SK8 2PX
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Top Doctors
Private Care at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
Private Care at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, 369 Fulham Rd.
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Top Doctors
The Blackheath Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
40-42 Lee Terrace, Blackheath, London SE3 9UD, East LondonExperto en:
- Angiología y Cirugía vascular
- Cardiología
- Cirugía bariátrica
- Cirugía colorrectal
- Cirugía Endocrina
- Cirugía General
The Alexandra Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
Mill Ln, Cheadle, SK8 2PX, CheadleExperto en:
- Cadera
- Cardiología
- Hombro y codo
- Pediatría
- Pie y tobillo
- Rodilla
Private Care at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, 369 Fulham Rd., Central LondonExperto en:
- Cirugía General
- Dermatología
- Dermatología pediátrica
- Pediatría
- Pediatría preventiva
- Servicios para adultos y pediatría
- Ver todos