Breast surgery: what can go wrong?

Autore: Mr Seni Mylvaganam
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 05/02/2020
Editor: Cal Murphy

Breast augmentation remains an ever-popular plastic surgery option for those who are unhappy with the cosmetic appearance of their breasts, as well as a way of restoring a more a natural appearance to those who have lost parts of their breasts to injury or illness, such as breast cancer. However, it is important to make an informed decision before any surgery. Your surgeon should take you through exactly what can go wrong and what the odds are of needing revision surgery later. Experienced surgeon Seni Mylvaganam explains the risks of breast surgery.

What are the risks of breast augmentation surgery?

The key risks that any surgeon should inform their patients about are:

  • Implant loss/infection rates – any surgeon should be able to give you their rate in this instance, and this is the risk that the implant may need to be removed within the first three months after surgery. This should be less than 1%.
  • Capsular contracture – this is a complication as result of the body’s immune response to the implant. In all patients with implants, a capsule, which can be thought of as a sheet of cling-film is produced around the implant by the body. However, capsular contracture refers to a thickening of that capsule, which can misshape the implant and cause pain. Modern day implants should have a capsular contracture rate of less than 10% at 10 years. A significant capsular contracture would require surgery to remove the capsule and replace the implant.
  • Anaplastic large cell lymphoma – this is a type of lymphoma that appears to be associated with the capsule surrounding breast implants. It is a disease which the medical community is still learning more about, but it is very rare. Currently, the risk is 1 in 300,000 ladies with implants developing it and usually, if it does occur, it is contained within the capsule, so surgery to remove the capsule would be curative.


How often is breast augmentation revision surgery required?

Revision surgery can be undertaken either because of recognised complications, or because of the patient’s choice.

As regards the patient’s choice, it is crucial that prior to your augmentation surgery, your surgeon understands what you hope to achieve from a shape and body perspective after augmentation and that they are able to explain what techniques they will employ to achieve that goal. Also, they should inform you where that goal may not be attainable. This agreement of expectation and any limitations that will have an effect on the final cosmetic outcome if discussed thoroughly beforehand, in my experience gives the highest rate of patient satisfaction and minimises patient requests for revision.

Otherwise, revision surgery may be required because of the commonest complications: implant rupture, capsular contracture, rippling of the implant, or drooping of the overlying skin. These complications are not common and should they occur, discussion with your surgeon as to the best strategy moving forward is vital. It is also important to understand that cosmetic breast surgery changes the appearance of a woman’s breasts at a particular point in time. What is beyond the control of surgical techniques is the natural change of breast tissue and overlying skin with physiological changes such as ageing, pregnancy and breast feeding. This can affect the breast appearance over time, with some women choosing revisional surgery to address these changes.

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Mr Seni Mylvaganam

Mr Seni Mylvaganam
Chirurgia generale

Seni Mylvaganam è un chirurgo specializzato in seno alla chirurgia oncoplastica specializzato in cancro al seno, ricostruzione mammaria e chirurgia estetica del seno. Ha sede a Solihull, Birmingham e Wolverhampton , fornendo servizi al seno sia nella sua pratica del NHS che nelle sue cliniche private.

Il signor Mylvaganam ha svolto la sua formazione al Royal Free e all'University College di Londra e successivamente a specializzazione e sub-specializzazione in chirurgia al seno nelle West Midlands. Ha acquisito esperienza in chirurgia mammaria oncoplastica e ricostruttiva e chirurgia estetica al seno, mentre intraprende la National Oncoplastic Breast Fellowship. Questa borsa di studio è estremamente competitiva e seleziona solo un paio di chirurghi al seno e plastica ogni anno ed è quindi considerata il gold standard per la ricostruzione del seno e l'allenamento per la cosmetica del seno nel Regno Unito.

Il signor Mylvaganam detiene anche una serie di ruoli di leadership in numerose organizzazioni. Questi includono il programma di screening del seno NHS come consulente chirurgico West Midlands, con la responsabilità di garantire che tutti i chirurghi del seno rispettino gli standard migliori. Anche come direttore del programma di formazione per l'educazione sanitaria in Inghilterra, responsabile della qualità della formazione dei chirurghi core trainee nelle West Midlands. Si impegna inoltre a migliorare la chirurgia di ricostruzione del seno ed è attualmente un membro di spicco di un gruppo di ricerca nazionale che studia la pratica della ricostruzione del seno basata su impianti che mira a migliorare i risultati e le esperienze dei pazienti nel Regno Unito.

Il signor Mylvaganam è un consulente guidato, dedicando il suo tempo alla chirurgia, all'esperienza del paziente e alla ricerca. È stato invitato a parlare in più di 25 conferenze nazionali e internazionali e ha numerose pubblicazioni di riviste e libri di testo a suo nome.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Medicina estetica corpo
    Trattamento delle occhiaie
    Aumento labbra
    Idrolipoclasia con cavitazione
    Eliminazione dei tatuaggi con laser
    Laser correttore di cicatrici
    Lifting laser
    Trapianto di capelli
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