Articoli del medico: Mr Rohit Madhav Più di 7440 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Hammer toe: prevention, pain relief and treatment

Mr Rohit Madhav, a renowned orthopaedic surgeon, recently spoke with us about solutions for hammer toe. He clarified for us some of the available non-surgical and surgical treatment options. We found our how the difference between mallet toe and claw toe, part of a spectrum of lesser toe deformities that can occur. We also found out the difference between 'flexible' hammer toes and 'fixed' hammer toes'

What happens when you rupture your Achilles tendon?

According to Greek legend, the hero Achilles was killed by an arrow to the back of his heel. But if he were alive today, modern medicine would patch up his tendon injury and put him back on the battlefield within six months. We asked consultant orthopaedic and trauma surgeon Mr Rohit Madhav how treatment for Achilles tendon rupture works – and when you too can return to the modern battlefield (sport).

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