Hand and wrist surgery: when it’s needed and what it involves

Autore: Mr Frederik Schreuder
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 08/04/2020
Editor: Nicholas Howley

Hand and wrist problems are very common. But what kind of problems need surgery to fix them? We spoke to leading consultant plastic and hand surgeon, Mr Frederik Schreuder :

As a specialist in hand and wrist surgery, I often get asked what I do. Hand and wrist conditions are very common and most of us will have a hand or wrist problem at one stage in our lives.

Many hand and wrist conditions are self-limiting, but some don’t settle by themselves and may require medical intervention.

What does a hand and wrist specialist do?

As a hand and wrist specialist I assess and treat patients with hand and wrist problems.

When it comes to assessment, I will always take a full history of the problem and examine the affected area. Frequently I will arrange X-rays and or scans to confirm the diagnosis of the problem.

As for treatment, I plan this in consultation with my patients. Some patients need steroid injections, and on some occasions surgery is required. Treatment can also involve onwards referral for physiotherapy.

What conditions/injuries require hand and wrist surgery?

Some of the most common hand and wrist conditions which may require surgery include:

Less common and more complex conditions include non-union of the carpal bones, ligament injuries and problems with the TFCC (a cartilage in the wrist).

Many of the more common conditions can be treated with steroid injections on an outpatient basis. Surgery for the more common conditions can also often be undertaken under local anaesthetic with the patient fully awake. Almost all hand and wrist surgery is performed as day case surgery – even the more complex cases.

What happen after hand and wrist surgery?

Following surgery, the plan is different for every condition and may involve spending some time in a splint or a cast. Physiotherapy is often needed to prevent stiffness, but this is not the case after every operation. Hand and wrist surgery may also require a period of time off driving and off work to allow for healing – this again varies from condition to condition and patient to patient.

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Mr Frederik Schreuder

Mr Frederik Schreuder
Chirurgia plastica, estetica e riparatrice

Frederik Schreuder è un consulente di chirurgia plastica e manuale con sede a Hatfield , Hitchin e Harpenden , specializzato in chirurgia della mano e del polso . Si specializza in chirurgia della mano adulta, compresi i problemi del polso e dell'osso carpale, così come la chirurgia plastica generale e la chirurgia del cancro della pelle.

Schreuder tratta le condizioni delle mani comuni e ha sviluppato una pratica specialistica del polso focalizzata sulla patologia dello scafoide non-union e del polso. Si è formato a Londra, Liverpool, Swansea ea Sydney, dove ha intrapreso una borsa di studio di un anno presso la Sydney Hospital Hand Unit.

Il signor Schreuder è membro della British Association of Plastic Surgeons e della British Society of Surgery of the Hand.

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