Neck lump: when to see a doctor

Autore: Mr Prasad Kothari
Editor: Laura Burgess

Most neck lumps tend to resolve in a few days and generally don’t need investigating unless they persist. We’ve asked one of our top ENT head and neck surgeons Mr Prasad Kothari to explain the possible causes of lumps in the neck, from swollen lymph glands to neck cancer, and when it’s time to have it checked out by a doctor.


What causes lumps in the neck?

Neck lumps in adults and children can be due to different reasons. Most neck lumps in children are lymph nodes (lymph glands) as a result of an infection in the throat like tonsillitis, ear infection or any other infection.

Neck lumps in adults can also be due to infection in the lymph nodes but can also arise from other structures like the thyroid gland or salivary gland etc.

Though most neck lumps are benign, there are a small proportion of lumps which are not and can be due to more sinister causes like cancer. Cancerous lumps tend to be painless and have a hard consistency as against soft benign lumps.

Are all lumps in the neck cancerous?

Only a small proportion of neck lumps are cancerous. Most of these are due to the spread of cancer from areas in the mouth or throat. Some cancerous neck lumps are due to a condition called Lymphoma, which affects all the lymph system. Very rarely neck lumps can be due to spread of cancer from other areas in the body.

Read more on the types of head and neck cancer

What can cause a lump in the neck that moves?

Neck lumps which move on swallowing are likely to be arising from the thyroid gland in adults and in children can be due to a developmental cyst called thyroglossal cyst. Most thyroid swellings are benign but any thyroid swelling which comes on suddenly needs investigating.

What is a thyroglossal cyst and what causes them?

Thyroglossal cysts are developmental cyst due to entrapment of cells when the thyroid gland is formed. These cysts typically present as a swelling in the midline of the neck as a painless lump which moves when you protrude the tongue. Occasionally these can get infected and can cause a painful swelling which resolves with antibiotic treatment. If symptomatic, these cysts will need to be removed surgically.

When should I have my neck lump investigated?

Any neck lump which persists over four weeks or lumps which are hard and painless need investigating as soon as possible. All other lumps which do not resolve will also need investigating.

Can a neck lump be a tendon problem?

Tendon problems do not cause neck lumps.

Book an appointment with Mr Kothari if you’re worried about a persistent neck lump.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Prasad Kothari

Prasad Kothari è un stimato consulente ORL chirurgo capo e collo presso lo Spire Harpenden Hospital, One Hatfield Hospital , BMI Bishops Wood Hospital e Cobham Clinic, Luton Hosptial. Tratta sia adulti che bambini. Le sue aree di competenza includono la chirurgia della testa e del collo , i noduli al collo , la chirurgia della tiroide , i disturbi delle ghiandole salivari , la ORL pediatrica e la chirurgia del seno . Alla guglia, il sig. Kothari lavora a stretto contatto con un logopedista e un dietologo per fornire assistenza completa e olistica a tutti i suoi pazienti. Ha anche un interesse particolare nel trattamento dei disturbi della deglutizione, del russare e dell'apnea notturna.

Kothari si è formato a Londra, laureandosi in medicina presso l' Università di Londra nel 1998 presso il St Bartholomew's e il Royal London Hospital. Ha quindi completato la formazione specialistica in chirurgia della testa e del collo in Olanda e India. È accreditato dallo Specialist Advisory Committee in Otorinolaringoiatria-Chirurgia della testa e del collo ed è stato premiato con un certificato di completamento della formazione specialistica dall'autorità di formazione del Surgical Royal College. Si è anche allenato due volte in odontoiatria.

Accanto al suo studio privato, Kothari lavora come consulente chirurgo capo e collo ORL per Luton e Dunstable NHS Trust . È stato nominato direttore clinico di ENT per Luton e Dunstable Trust nel 2018 e nel 2012 è stato nominato presidente della MDT.

È membro del Royal College of Surgeons , ENT UK e della British Association of Head and Neck Oncologists . Kothari ha pubblicato numerosi articoli scientifici e ha presentato numerosi incontri nazionali e internazionali.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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