Rhinoplasty (nose reshaping): "choosing" a new nose

Autore: Mr Ibrahim Albert Srouji
Editor: Laura Burgess

Opting to have rhinoplasty can be daunting but it doesn’t have to be. Expert ENT surgeon Mr Ibrahim Srouji explains how he guides his patients in ‘choosing’ their new nose, combining art, science and managing expectations for the desired outcome.

What is the difference between functional and aesthetic rhinoplasty?

Strictly speaking, if in addition to your cosmetic concerns you have trouble breathing through your nose, and this is caused by internal or external defamatory of the bones and cartilages (soft bones) of your nose, then your rhinoplasty can be classed as “functional”. In my own practice, however, I approach every rhinoplasty procedure as “functional”. This is because I believe that aesthetic aims should always be balanced with keeping you safe and maintaining the function of your nose. This is the principal reason for my ensuring dual specialisation in both ENT and facial plastic surgery before embarking on rhinoplasty practice.

Are there different types of rhinoplasty corrections?

Apart from nonsurgical rhinoplasty using fillers, surgical rhinoplasty is either carried out through completely hidden incisions inside the nostrils (closed rhinoplasty or endonasal approach rhinoplasty), or it may need to be carried out through a small incision tucked on the underside of the dividing bar of skin between the nostrils (open rhinoplasty, or external approach rhinoplasty). The type of rhinoplasty I will offer depends on many factors. These include your specific aesthetic aims, type of skin and any previous surgery.

How much does the surgeon guide the patient in choosing what their new nose will look like?

After meeting you, listening to your story and understanding what improvements you hope to achieve, I will use my knowledge of the scientifically studied proportions of a natural and cosmetically pleasing nose to help you understand how these match up with your own expectations. My experience of several hundred rhinoplasty procedures will guide you as to what extent your desired outcome is advisable and surgically achievable. This constitutes powerful information which you can use to decide whether surgery is right for you and if so, which type of operation is more likely to achieve the results you expect.

Is there a process to help patients decide how to reshape their nose?

Yes, there is, and it can best be described as a combination of science and art. The scientific aspect relates to specific measurements and proportions I have studied that are widely recognised to represent the appearance of an aesthetically pleasing and natural looking nose. This does not only relate to specific angles and dimensions of the nose itself, but also how these relate to the overall shape of your face, your gender, ethnic origin and even your height. The artistic aspect of this of the process starts with getting to know you as a person and establishing a good rapport with you. This will allow me to understand your motivation for surgery, expectations, ideas of what is “beautiful”, and to produce a personalised surgical plan that is most likely to produce a result that suits your personality.

Are rhinoplasties reversible? What happens when the patient does not like the result?

Rhinoplasty changes are not generally reversible. Most problems associated with incomplete satisfaction with results can be prevented at the preoperative stage. This is why on meeting you I ensure we have ample time exploring your expectations from surgery in detail and providing you with an honest opinion of what can be realistically achieved. Nevertheless, even after good surgery, the healing process can sometimes lead to areas of imperfection and it is widely recognised that around 10% (one and 10) of all rhinoplasty patients request some form of adjustment with a second operation (revision).

In my own practice, I audit results on an annual basis and at the last count (December 2018) my own revision rate has been 4%. Although this is less than half the average rate, it is still important to recognise that undergoing rhinoplasty remains a significant commitment and in a small number of cases further treatment may be required.

If you're considering rhinoplasty, do not hesitate to book an appointment with one of our specialists

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Mr Ibrahim Albert Srouji

Mr Ibrahim Albert Srouji

Mr Ibrahim Albert Srouji è un chirurgo consulente che detiene una doppia qualifica in chirurgia plastica facciale (orecchio, naso e gola) . Ha completato l'esame per la borsa di studio del Royal College of Surgeons of England (FRCS) nel 2007 e fa parte del registro specializzato GMC. Dopo essersi laureato alla Scuola di Medicina dell'Università di Southampton, Srouji ha completato i suoi studi chirurgici a Londra, Cardiff, Cambridge, Amsterdam e negli Stati Uniti.

Srouji offre una consulenza attenta e competente su un'ampia gamma di condizioni dell'orecchio, del naso e della gola. È un capo clinico per tutti gli interventi chirurgici per i bambini presso l'ospedale di Hinchingbrooke e offre la chirurgia per otorinolaringoiatria dei bambini adulti privati presso la sua clinica del Cambridgeshire . Ha pubblicato articoli in diverse riviste mediche peer-reviewed e ha presentato il suo lavoro in una serie di prestigiose riunioni tra cui la Royal Society of Medicine di Londra.

Srouji è anche il leader clinico del Cambridgeshire e Peterborough ENT Transformation Partnership. Egli è ogni giorno fortemente coinvolto nel miglioramento del servizio, nella modernizzazione del percorso del paziente e nel miglioramento dell'esperienza del paziente.

Nell'ambito della chirurgia estetica, Srouji è un sub-specialista che si concentra esclusivamente sulle aree facciali più complesse come la rinoplastica e il lifting facciale. Nel 2009, ha completato la borsa di studio del Dipartimento della salute del Regno Unito in Chirurgia cosmetica e ricostruttiva, il rigoroso esame del Consiglio per la plastica facciale e la chirurgia ricostruttiva per la certificazione internazionale e la piena borsa di studio della European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery. Ha una vasta esperienza in deformità nasale e chirurgia delle vie respiratorie e finora ha effettuato oltre 500 procedure di rinoplastica.

Le sue due qualifiche in chirurgia plastica facciale e ENT gli consentono di occuparsi sia degli aspetti estetici che di quelli funzionali del naso, ottenendo risultati estetici gradevoli e naturali e allo stesso tempo proteggendo la funzione interna del naso.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Lifting facciale
    Lifting collo
    Fili Tensori
    Lifting glutei
    Tossina botulinica (botox)
    Ripieni facciali
    Ricostruzione facciale
    Malformazioni congenite
    Chirurgia plastica facciale
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