Snoring and sleep apnoea

Autore: Mr Prasad Kothari
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 09/09/2021
Editor: Kalum Alleyne

Although sleep apnoea only affects a small percentage of the population, it can be detrimental to our health and our relationships. ENT Surgeon, Mr Prasad Kothari is here to unpack this condition for us.

A woman with sleep apnoea sleeping


Snoring is an issue which is familiar to most of us, it affects roughly 40 per cent of men and over 20 per cent of women. Sleep apnoea, however, is not as common, between three and five per cent of adults are affected by this condition, which is at the other end of the sleep disordered breathing spectrum. Snoring is defined as excessively loud breathing while asleep, which is usually more problematic for the partner than the person snoring.


Conversely, sleep apnoea, if untreated, can have negative effects on one’s health. One of the milder symptoms of sleep apnoea is snoring, however in more extreme cases it can cause breathing difficulties during sleep, sometimes numerous times in one night. Aside from disrupting your sleep, this can also lead to a shortage of oxygen in the blood flow.


How do I know if I have sleep apnoea?

Less severe cases of sleep apnoea often remain undetected, especially in single people. For those sharing a bed, it’s usually a partner who first notices periods of not breathing. Sleep apnoea patients often cite daytime tiredness and sleepiness as problematic symptoms, which can lead to a decreased attention span and difficulty concentrating at school or work.


While the problems caused by snoring alone tend to be more related to social or marital life, e.g., partners or friends not wanting to share a bed or room with a snorer, sleep apnoea can lead to problems with both the heart and brain.


What causes snoring and sleep apnoea?

Men are more likely to snore than women, although post-menopausal women have a higher incidence rate. The likelihood and severity of both snoring and sleep apnoea increase in direct correlation with the patient’s weight. Internal structural deformities like nasal polyps, a deviated nasal partition, or large tonsils, which can partially block the throat, can also contribute to both conditions.


How is sleep apnoea diagnosed?

In order to correctly diagnose sleep apnoea, a patient’s general medical history as well as the history of the condition is checked. A thorough examination of the mouth and throat will also help diagnosis. In some cases, a sleep study, which involves staying overnight at a facility while specialists assess your breathing, may be recommended.


These days there are some free apps that allow patients to self-diagnose, however a lot of the apps aren’t certified by any medical authority, so it’s always important to visit a specialist.


Can it be treated?

The severity of each case determines the most effective treatment option. Generally, breathing exercises (while awake) and lifestyle changes like weight loss and lowering alcohol intake can help those with less severe cases. Nasal polyp or tonsil removal can also help in cases caused by airway blockage, especially when snoring is the principal symptom.


Extreme cases are often treated long-term with a CPAP device which is a face mask that delivers oxygen into the airways while sleeping, or with surgery, under general anaesthetic.


Some companies sell devices which they want us to believe will stop snoring, however, as with the apps mentioned previously, they aren’t clinically proven or certified, so should be treated with caution. In specific cases a jaw splint may be recommended by a specialist.


What about children?

Children are particularly susceptible to both snoring and sleep apnoea due to adenoids and oversized tonsils. As they grow and their bodies develop, the problem naturally lessens for some, although others will require surgery to correct the issue.

Dr Prasad Kothari is an esteemed consultant ENT surgeon in London. You can request an appointment with him by visiting his profile.

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Mr Prasad Kothari

Prasad Kothari è un stimato consulente ORL chirurgo capo e collo presso lo Spire Harpenden Hospital, One Hatfield Hospital , BMI Bishops Wood Hospital e Cobham Clinic, Luton Hosptial. Tratta sia adulti che bambini. Le sue aree di competenza includono la chirurgia della testa e del collo , i noduli al collo , la chirurgia della tiroide , i disturbi delle ghiandole salivari , la ORL pediatrica e la chirurgia del seno . Alla guglia, il sig. Kothari lavora a stretto contatto con un logopedista e un dietologo per fornire assistenza completa e olistica a tutti i suoi pazienti. Ha anche un interesse particolare nel trattamento dei disturbi della deglutizione, del russare e dell'apnea notturna.

Kothari si è formato a Londra, laureandosi in medicina presso l' Università di Londra nel 1998 presso il St Bartholomew's e il Royal London Hospital. Ha quindi completato la formazione specialistica in chirurgia della testa e del collo in Olanda e India. È accreditato dallo Specialist Advisory Committee in Otorinolaringoiatria-Chirurgia della testa e del collo ed è stato premiato con un certificato di completamento della formazione specialistica dall'autorità di formazione del Surgical Royal College. Si è anche allenato due volte in odontoiatria.

Accanto al suo studio privato, Kothari lavora come consulente chirurgo capo e collo ORL per Luton e Dunstable NHS Trust . È stato nominato direttore clinico di ENT per Luton e Dunstable Trust nel 2018 e nel 2012 è stato nominato presidente della MDT.

È membro del Royal College of Surgeons , ENT UK e della British Association of Head and Neck Oncologists . Kothari ha pubblicato numerosi articoli scientifici e ha presentato numerosi incontri nazionali e internazionali.

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