What does VASER lipo offer?

Autore: Mr Maisam Fazel
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 06/10/2023
Editor: Top Doctors®

VASER liposuction is increasing in popularity as an alternative to the traditional procedure, which, as a more invasive procedure, requires various deep incisions to be made. VASER liposuction can provide a quicker, less invasive way of sculpting the body and working on ‘problem areas’. Expert in the VASER procedure, Mr Maisam Fazel, explains more.

How does VASER liposuction work?

VASER stands for ‘Vibration Amplication of Sound Energy at Resonance’. The advanced technology emits ultrasound waves, which are tuned to a particular frequency to help the fat cells in the targeted area break down. These broken down fat cells are then removed from the body with a less invasive liposuction procedure.

Where can I get VASER liposuction?

VASER liposuction can be performed on the abdomen, the hips, back, thighs, buttocks, belly, and even the chin and neck, to combat more ‘problematic’ areas individuals may wish to contour and sculpt. It is important to note that VASER lipo is not a weight loss procedure, but rather a way to remove persistent fat deposits and help contour and refine the body.

What are the advantages of VASER liposuction?

VASER is now a popular procedure as it has numerous advantages over traditional liposuction, such as:

  • Faster and less painful recovery
  • Reduced blood loss
  • Increased precision for the surgeon
  • Tightening of the skin
  • Instant contouring results
  • Effective minimally-invasive procedure
  • Can be combined with other procedures (e.g gynaecomastia, breast reduction)

Who is a candidate?

The ideal candidate for VASER liposuction is an individual in good overall health, following a healthy lifestyle, but one who experiences difficulty in getting rid of particular fat deposits. The procedure is not a substitute for weight loss and it is important for candidates to have realistic expectations surrounding the procedure. VASER targets fat which is difficult to ‘shake’, and is unresponsive, after the individual has tried natural weight loss methods.

What is the aftercare like?

Some swelling and bruising will be seen in the weeks, and possibly months directly after the procedure. Your surgeon will give you aftercare advice and arrange a follow-up appointment to check your progress if necessary. Make sure to follow the advice that your surgeon gives you in the period directly after the procedure.

Results can be seen immediately after VASER lipo is performed, but as bruising and swelling often occur, they can be difficult to make out. As time progresses, however, results will become more apparent and you will be able to see the very visible difference. Results of VASER can be long-lasting, providing the candidate keeps up their healthy, active lifestyle.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Maisam Fazel
Chirurgia generale

Mr Maisam Fazel è un consulente estetico, chirurgo oncoplastico e ricostruttivo con sede in diverse importanti cliniche a Londra e nelle contee domestiche . Ha un background unico in chirurgia plastica e mammaria, con un interesse clinico in chirurgia estetica, ricostruzione del seno e cancro al seno.

Fazel si è formato in diversi ospedali universitari di primo piano a Londra, Parigi e Milano e ha completato diverse borse di studio nel Regno Unito e negli Stati Uniti, tra cui il prestigioso Royal College of Surgeons Cosmetic Fellowship, acquisendo una notevole esperienza in una varietà di procedure cosmetiche e collaborando con alcuni dei migliori chirurghi plastici nel Regno Unito.

Il signor Fazel è uno dei massimi esperti in chirurgia della ginecomastia avendo sperimentato tecniche innovative in questo settore. È anche noto per il suo lavoro nel rimodellamento del corpo dopo la gravidanza (rimodellamento della mummia), la liposuzione VASER, la chirurgia dolce PLEXR e la varietà di tecniche oncoplastiche utilizzate durante la chirurgia del cancro al seno.

Fazel ha pubblicato ampiamente nel suo campo, con pubblicazioni in chirurgia estetica e ricostruttiva a suo nome, e ha regolarmente presentato il suo lavoro sia a livello nazionale che internazionale. È anche attivamente coinvolto nella ricerca sulla ricostruzione del seno e fa parte della facoltà del Royal College of Surgeons. È spesso invitato a tenere conferenze a livello internazionale ed è anche coinvolto in opere di beneficenza mediche nei paesi in via di sviluppo.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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