What is a hip replacement and do I need one?

Autore: Mr Syed Ahmed
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 05/07/2023
Editor: Kalum Alleyne


As with any operation, there are many things to consider before deciding to go ahead with hip replacement surgery. Mr Syed Ahmed, an experienced surgeon, is here to provide all the necessary information about the procedure and preparation for it, as well as recovery tips.


What Is A Hip Replacement and Do I Need One?


Do I need a hip replacement?


Hip replacement surgery is necessary for one whose mobility is reduced as a result of discomfort and pain in the groin, which could also be felt on the outside of the hip or radiate into the knee.


Osteoarthritis is one of the most frequently cited reasons for requiring a hip replacement. Though the joint can also be damaged by other conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, avascular necrosis of the hip and fractures.


You will be offered hip replacement surgery if you have deteriorating mobility, stiffness in the joint and it is having an impact on you performing your daily activities.


What does a hip replacement involve?


It involves the surgeon removing the arthritic/painful hip joint and replacing it with an artificial one. The procedure should alleviate the pain and make walking a lot easier.


Prior to surgery most patients will be given a spinal anaesthetic and you may also be put to temporary sleep if required. This would prevent you from feeling any pain during the surgery or having any awareness of the procedure.


The surgeon will then make a cut along the side of the hip and move the muscles connected to the top of the thighbone to expose the hip joint. Then a saw is used to remove the ball joint at the top of the thighbone.


The surgeon then prepares the surface of the hip, removing any damaged cartilage and attaches the replacement socket. Following this an artificial joint is attached to the thighbone (femur) using either cement or a special material that allows the remaining bone to attach to the new joint.


This procedure usually takes 1-2 hours to perform. Find out more about how a hip replacement is done here (https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/hip-replacement/what-happens/)


While most hip replacement surgeries today are performed using the standard technique (a single incision of 8 to 10 inches), in recent years, a more minimally invasive technique has gained more popularity. In the minimally-invasive approach, the surgeon makes a smaller incision, disturbing less soft tissue structures for a more rapid recovery. The small cut also causes less blood loss, eases pain following surgery and reduces the length of the hospital stay.


What happens after a hip replacement?


You will likely stay in hospital for 2-3 nights. Physiotherapy usually begins the day after surgery and you should be walking with a walker, crutches, or a cane straight after. You will be discharged when you are mobilising comfortably in hospital. You will receive physiotherapy for up to a year post-surgery.


Are there any activities you should avoid after hip replacement surgery?


You should refrain from strenuous actions like bending over, squatting, turning and twisting immediately after your procedure. You should also avoid crossing your legs.


What can you do at home after Hip Replacement Surgery?

After surgery, there are many simple things that you can do to minimise pain and facilitate a quicker recovery, these include:

  • Minimal stair climbing- Try to arrange things accordingly so that you only have to climb stairs once or twice a day.
  • Sitting in straight-backed chairs only, avoid recliners and sofas.
  • Keeping floors tidy to avoid accidents.
  • Using an elevated toilet seat.
  • Keeping your wound dry until it heals completely to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Minimal contact with overzealous pets.


How long will my hip replacement last?


This is dependent on several different factors including level of activity. Most joint registry data reveals that a hip replacement should last you 15-20 years.


Mr Ahmed is a Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon in Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells. To find out more about him and book an appointment, visit his profile.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Syed Ahmed

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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