Why have dental implants?

Autore: Dr Shirin Parsno
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 05/08/2019
Editor: Laura Burgess

Dental implants are used to replace missing teeth and can be more reliable than dentures. Whilst dentures need regular upkeep, implants can be treated like natural teeth once they are in place, and can even hold up better against tooth decay, so long as the patient adheres to good oral hygiene as advised by dentists.

Leading London cosmetic dentist and implantologist Dr Shirin Parsno believes that even though there are a number of restorative options for missing teeth none have proven to be as effective as implants. Here she explains the reasons why dental implants are the wiser choice…

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Dental implants can behave and look like a natural tooth whereas dentures and removal bridges can often become loose and unstable. Implants offer the same force for biting as bridges that are fixed in place, yet implants will last a lifetime. Other benefits include:

  • Implants prevent bone loss – placing a dental implant in the jaw bone stimulates new bone growth (osseointegration) in the missing site.
  • They support facial structure – bone loss can age the appearance around the mouth, which impacts the whole face. Implants can keep the jaw strong.
  • The treatment is cost effective – the lifelong cost of implants is money well-worth spent as other restoration tools may need to be replaced regularly, which can be costly.
  • Dental implants won’t limit what you eat – they are stable and strong, which means that most people are able to eat and drink as normal. Dentures don’t tend to stay in place and it is harder to eat food that is tough, such as steak.
  • They are easy to care for – dental implants require the same care as a natural tooth, such as brushing and flossing at least twice a day and regular check-ups at the dentist.

What are the cons of having dental implants?

Having implants fitted does carry a few risks as it is actual surgery, which involves implanting the titanium rod into the bone of the jaw. As this is a surgical procedure, most people will experience varying degrees of discomfort or pain. This will pass within a few days. There may be bruising and minor swelling shortly after the procedure. The crown (the false tooth placed on top) will need to be replaced in 10-15 years. There is also a risk of peri-implantitis if the patient does not follow good oral hygiene. Smokers and patients with high cholesterol are at higher risk of contracting peri-implantitis.

If you are interested in dental implants, do not hesitate to book a consultation with one of our specialists.

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Dr Shirin Parsno

Dr Shirin Parsno
Odontoiatria e stomatologia

Il dott. Shirin Parsno è un rinomato dentista cosmetico e implantologo con sede nella sua esclusiva clinica Nova Dental Care a nord di Londra . Si è specializzata in trattamenti di odontoiatria estetica, come impiallacciature e corone, nonché implantologia. La dott.ssa Parsno si è diplomata nel 1996 con il famoso Karolinska Institutet, in Svezia, e nel 2013 ha ricevuto il Diploma, il più alto riconoscimento, del Congresso internazionale degli implantologi orali (ICOI).

Il dott. Parsno lavora con un team molto esperto presso Nova Dental Care e insieme si assicurano che i pazienti ricevano il miglior trattamento e livello di cura possibili. Accanto a questo, la dott.ssa Parsno si impegna anche come consulente implantologo presso altre pratiche di Londra. In un anno, affronterà più di cento casi, alcuni dei quali estremamente complessi.

Anche ricercatore attivo, il dott. Parsno si è recentemente concentrato sugli usi delle nanotecnologie in implantologia e innesto osseo. Accanto a questo, è docente ospite in numerosi istituti, come gli ospedali della Central Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust e la Istanbul Aydin University. Inoltre offre il suo tempo per guidare i dentisti implantari.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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