Nicotine and cotinine

What is analysed in a nicotine and cotinine test?

The concentration of nicotine and cotinine in biological samples (blood, urine, saliva, or hair).

What does the result mean?

The presence of nicotine and cotinine indicates active tobacco use or passive exposure to tobacco smoke. Cotinine is the primary marker for assessing tobacco consumption.

Why is this analysis performed?

To confirm tobacco use or passive exposure and to evaluate acute nicotine poisoning.

When should this analysis be carried out?

Whenever confirmation of tobacco use or passive exposure is needed, as well as in cases of suspected nicotine overdose.

Is there any required sample?

A venous blood or random urine sample is required. Sometimes, a sample from the saliva or hair is also required. 

Is any specific preparation required?

No special preparation is required.

How it is used?

To detect tobacco consumption and assess acute nicotine poisoning.

Normal reference values:

Non-smokers: nicotine and cotinine absent or very low. Smokers: variable concentrations based on consumption.

Altered values:

High levels: active tobacco use or passive exposure. Low levels: abstinence or minimal consumption.

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