How smoking affects your oral health

Escrito por: Dr Neesha Patel
Publicado: | Actualizado: 18/09/2023
Editado por: Lisa Heffernan

All tobacco use, whether it be smoking or chewing tobacco, has a negative impact on a person’s health. Smoking and tobacco is not only linked to illnesses such as heart disease, lung diseases and cancer, but can also have a huge impact on your oral health, putting you at a higher risk of periodontal (gum) disease and oral cancer.


Let’s take a closer look at the relationship between tobacco use and both periodontal disease and oral cancer with leading consultant periodontist, Dr Neesha Patel.



Smoking and periodontal disease


Tobacco use is one of the biggest risk factors in the development of periodontal disease. Studies have shown that people who smoke with periodontal disease have deeper periodontal pockets, greater bone and tooth loss, and a poorer response to periodontal treatment than people who don't smoke. Furthermore, smoking masks one of the first signs of periodontal disease - bleeding gums. This means that you may not even be aware of a problem until significant damage has been caused.


It is thought that people who smoke are at an increased risk of gum disease due to impaired white blood cell function, impaired wound healing and an increase in the production of inflammatory substances that cause tissues to break down. This decrease in healing can also mean that the individual has a reduced response to any periodontal treatment that is recommended.


Smoking and oral cancer


Oral cancer is the 11th most common cancer in the world, mostly affecting people over the age of 40 and men. However, in recent years, there has been an increase in oral cancer cases in younger age groups and women. The prevalence of oral cancer is spreading fast, with around 6,800 people diagnosed with oral cancer in the UK each year. Evidence suggests that 60 per cent of mouth cancer and oropharyngeal cancers in the UK are caused by tobacco use, with a further 30 per cent caused by consuming alcohol. When consumed together, the risk of cancer is increased further.


Are some types of tobacco worse than others?


There are many different types of tobacco available on the market, but no one tobacco product is healthier than another. All forms of tobacco contain nicotine which is linked to all the health problems we have mentioned above, not to mention addiction.


Different types of tobacco products include:

  • Cigarettes
  • Cigars
  • Chewing tobacco
  • Shisha
  • Snuff


The good news is that people who stop smoking can respond just as well to periodontal treatment as those who don’t smoke. So if you’re addicted to smoking and would like to kick the habit to the curb, look for a support group or start using licensed nicotine-containing products instead of cigarettes to wean yourself off cigarettes slowly. Licensed nicotine-containing products are available on prescription and over the counter.



Using E-cigarettes


E-cigarettes have become very popular to help people quit smoking or reduce the amount they smoke. However, recent research has shown that vaping can produce toxins that can damage DNA. Electronic cigarettes might be safer than normal cigarettes, but they still pose health risks. If you do decide to use E-cigarettes, they should be used as part of a plan to stop smoking.



If you’d like guidance and support to stop smoking or you’re worried about your gums, you can make an appointment with Dr Neesha Patel at Pure Periodontics via her Top Doctors profile today. 

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Por Dr Neesha Patel

Доктор Ниша Патель является ведущим консультантом-пародонтологом в Лондоне , а также клиническим директором в клинике Pure Periodontics. Она специализируется на лазерной пародонтологии и всех аспектах здоровья десен, в том числе на удалении десен, на заболеваниях десен и на деснах .

Доктор Патель работал как в общей практике, так и в больнице, включая восстановительную стоматологию, а также челюстно-лицевую хирургию. Она получила квалификацию аспиранта в FGDP Королевского колледжа хирургов Англии и с тех пор получила степень магистра клинической стоматологии (пародонтология) в Университете королевы Марии с отличием.

Она также успешно прошла экзамен «Членство в восстановительной стоматологии» Королевского колледжа хирургов в Эдинбурге и получила статус специалиста от Генерального стоматологического совета. Доктор Патель широко читает лекции по курсам повышения квалификации и новым квалифицированным стоматологам.

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