London International Patient Services (LIPS)

London International Patient Services (LIPS) 02033986087 5 Devonshire Place, W1G 6HL
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Unidad Médica especializada en:

Pie y tobillo Mano y muñeca Rodilla Cirugía plástica, estética y reparado... Cirugía ortopédica espinal Otorrinolaringología



A prostate biopsy is a crucial diagnostic procedure for assessing potential prostate cancer, a concern for many men as they age. But what exactly does this procedure entail? In essence, it involves the extraction of a small tissue sample from the prostate gland, located near the bladder and urethra. In his latest online article, Mr Ashwin Sridhar explores what happens before, during, and after a prostate biopsy, shedding light on its accuracy, safety, and potential discomforts.


Highly experienced consultant urologist and robotic prostate and bladder cancer surgeon Mr Ashwin Sridhar provides advice on what to do if you suspect that you have bladder cancer and what can be done to reduce the risk of developing the condition.


Mr Ajit Abraham: Being the change: A Mobius Strip. Barts Health, October 2015
A first for Barts Health: Meditation, Mindfulness ...
Patient testimonial for Mr Ajit Abraham
In this testimonial video, we hear from Sinead, a ...

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Mr Ahmed-Ramadan Sadek
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Mr Ajit Abraham
Cirujano General
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Professor Ali Ghoz
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Dr Basil Almahdi
Unidad Del Dolor
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Mr Deepak Hariharan
Cirujano General
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