Opus Biological

Opus Biological 02033986077 The King Edward VII Hospital, 5-10 Beaumont St, London, W1G 6AA
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(20) valoraciones verificadas

Centro especializado en:

Plasma rico en plaquetas


Medicina del Deporte

This article by esteemed sports medicine physician Dr David Porter delves into the most common causes of knee osteoarthritis among athletes, highlighting key symptoms and preferred treatment methods based on his extensive experience.


Dry needling is a technique used in physiotherapy that can help treat a range of musculoskeletal injuries with the help of thin, acupuncture-type needles. Here to provide an expert insight into dry needling, including how it differs from acupuncture, is Millie Lindsey, leading physiotherapist at Opus Biological.


An introduction to Dr David Porter
In this insightful introductory video, highly reve...
What exactly is knee osteoarthritis? - Online interview
Pressure and stress caused to the knee through yea...

Otra información de interés

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Dr David Porter
Médico Del Deporte
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Ian Gilham
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Millie Lindsey
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Dylan Walsh
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