Safarian & Simon Opticians

Safarian & Simon Opticians 02077221917 72 St John's Wood High St, London
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Centro especializado en:

Cataratas Optometría Condiciones oculares complejas Lentes de contacto para ojos secos Ojo Seco Examen de la vista



In his latest online article, Mr Sachin Patel gives us his insights into dry eye. He talks about the main symptoms, lifestyle changes or habits that could worsen symptoms, if dry eye could be a symptom of other underlying health conditions, medical treatments or procedures and effective home remedies.


Here, highly regarded senior consultant optometrist, Mr Sachin Patel, provides us with a comprehensive guide to glaucoma, including an outline of the treatment for the condition and the various different types of glaucoma.



Dry eye: What you need to know - Online interview
In his latest online interview, renowned senior co...
An introduction to Mr Sachin Patel
Mr Sachin Patel is an esteemed optometrist. In his...

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Ms Anila Mistry
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Mr Sachin Patel
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