The London Dermatology Centre

The London Dermatology Centre 02074673720 69 Wimpole Street, London,
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Centro especializado en:

Dermatología estética Dermatología Cáncer de piel Dermatología clínica Dermatología quirúrgica


Odontología y estomatología

Our skin changes as we age, leading to the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of volume and elasticity. To address these skin changes on the face, some people may choose to try facial aesthetics, a range of non-surgical procedures that reduce the signs of ageing. Here, Dr Dr Okeoghene Oteri, leading medical aesthetics injector, provides an expert insight into facial aesthetics.


In our latest article, extremely well-regarded consultant dermatologist, Dr Sunil Chopra, answers your commonly asked questions about platelet-rich plasma and Fraxel laser treatment, detailing how exactly both can help with one's skin appearance.


An introduction to Dr Sunil Chopra
Extremely passionate about his field, expert consu...
Learning all about vitiligo from an expert dermatologist - Online Interview
People may recognise the condition of vitiligo, bu...

Otra información de interés

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Dr Sunil Chopra
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Dr Okeoghene Oteri
Dentista Y Odontóloga
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Dr Lathika Wickramasinghe
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