Mr Vaughan Tanner

Oftalmólogo en Berkshire


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Todas las valoraciones son de pacientes reales y las opiniones han sido verificadas por nuestro departamento de Atención al Paciente para garantizar que cumplen con las normas del servicio.

Opiniones de los pacientes

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Comentario paciente

Second cataract surgery with Vaughan Tanner. Clearly an expert in his field. Respectful , courteous and reassuring. Highly recommend. Make sure you get a prescription for extra eye drops. One 5ml bottle does not last 4x daily for a month ! Proved challenging to obtain …

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Comentario paciente

I would highly recommend Mr Tanner following Vitrectomy surgery recently to repair a macular hole. From beginning to end, I was kept informed and reassured. The procedure was completely painless and I was well cared for. I hired special ‘posturing’ equipment which was invaluable.

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Comentario paciente

my treatment was carried out in a truly professional and friendly manner and I am extremely pleased with the result.

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Comentario paciente

During April 2024 I received treatment at the Circle Hospital Reading for a developing cataract in my right eye. The procedure to correct my vision, carried out by Mr. Vaughan Tanner and his team at the Tanner-Eyes clinic, has proved to be extremely effective. From my initial approach to Tanner-Eyes (to determine what treatment options might be appropriate for my condition) throughout my examination and formal consultation with Mr Tanner (to fully discuss the options and define the most suitable for my personal needs) to the all-important procedure itself and the final follow-up clinic, I have been hugely impressed with the high degree of expert and professional service given to me by all concerned. I was particularly encouraged with the extent of the information provided explaining every stage of what was to me at the outset a somewhat disconcerting process. Also, the benefit of having the freedom to receive treatment in a timely manner and actually choose a date and time for one’s treatment cannot be underestimated. I have no doubt whatever that I will opt for treatment at Tanner-Eyes for treatment of my inevitable left-eye cataract!

Enfermedades, Pruebas y Tratamientos


Otra información de interés de Vaughan Tanner

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