Gynaecology Care Oxford

Gynaecology Care Oxford 07944 604601 The Manor Hospital, Nuffield Health Oxford, Beech Rd
5 5 1 15
(15) valoraciones verificadas

Unidad Médica especializada en:

Ginecología y Obstetricia Problemas vaginales Tratamiento del cáncer Endometriosis

Por qué es una unidad médica de primer nivel

Gynaecological Care Oxford is a leading centre of excellence for women's health. The consultant-only team share a wealth of experience in all aspects of gynaecology and pride themselves on their focus on patient-centered, holistic and evidence-based care. The quality of the centre's work has been recognised with two consecutive certificate of excellence awards from I Want Great Care, a professional body that advocates for top quality patient care

Leading consultants in gynaecology Mr Hooman Soleymani Majd and Miss Lamiese Ismail established the practice in 2019 to offer a professional and personalised gynaecological service for women, conveniently located within Nuffield Health Oxford The Manor Hospital

Mr Soleymani Majd is a highly respected consultant gynaecological oncology surgeon with over twenty years of experience. He specialises in minimally invasive procedures, as well as the treatment of ovarian cancer and placenta accreta spectrum disorders amongst other gynaecological pathologies. An active and well respected researcher, Mr Soleymani Majd is at the forefront of advanced ovarian cancer research and is also honorary senior clinical lecturer in gynaecological oncology surgery at the University of Oxford. He is also an accredited colposcopist and trainer with the British Society for Colposcoy and Cervical Pathology (BSCCP).

Miss Lamiese Ismail is a renowned consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist who specialises in cancer diagnosis and hysteroscopy. With over twenty years experience in the gynaecological field, Miss Ismail is also expert in ovarian cysts, endometrial polyps and menstrual disorders. Additionally, she previously trained junior doctors in her role as college tutor for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and continues to be active in research. 

The accomplished duo's shared expertise allows them to offer second-to-none patient care and a full gynaecological service, including but not limited to:

  • gynaecological cancer screening, diagnosis and treatment
  • colposcopy
  • diagnosis and treatment of menstrual problems
  • diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis, ovarian cysts and pelvic masses

La unidad médica

Gynaecology Care Oxford

The Manor Hospital, Nuffield Health Oxford, Beech Rd, Oxford, Oxford

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Miss Lamiese Ismail



Experto en:

Desórdenes menstruales Quiste ovárico Histeroscopia quirúrgica Cirugía de acceso mínimo (cirugía de ... Pólipo endometrial Diagnóstico del cáncer
Mr Hooman Soleymani Majd


Experto en:

Cirugía de acceso mínimo (cirugía de ... Laparoscopy Cáncer de ovarios Cirugía reconstructiva del suelo pélvi... Ovarian cancer debulking Patologías ginecológicas

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Mr Hooman Soleymani Majd
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Miss Lamiese Ismail
Gynaecologist en Oxford
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