Más de 5815 artículos avalados por los mejores especialistas médicos

How sunburns increase risk skin cancer dermatologist explains

Summer is fast approaching and with the recent hot spell across the UK over the Easter bank holiday, we are all eagerly anticipating some more fun in the sun. Dr Pick Ngor Woo, renowned consultant dermatologist, has answered some of our questions to know how to safely spend time in the sun without burning and to really understand how frequent sunburns increase your chance of skin cancer later in life.

Genital warts - causes and treatment

Genital warts are caused by the low-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) which is passed on through sexual activity. They are quite common, but arguably many people believe they won’t ever be affected. So, what should you do if you think you could have genital warts and if so, what can you expect? Dr Moumita Chattopadhyay, a highly experienced dermatologist, explains the causes, diagnosis and available treatment options.

Mole mapping: what to expect

The best mole mapping procedure is a combination of both full body digital photography and dermoscopy. Dermoscopy is a non-invasive skin surface examination using a microscope that allows skin structures to be magnified that are not normally seen with the naked eye. The aim of mole mapping is to detect skin cancer as early as possible. Dermatologist Dr Ben Esdaile gives us the ins and outs of mole mapping and how to know if a mole is harmless or potentially a cause for concern.

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