Octopus Clinic

Octopus Clinic 442030386547 13 - 15 Bouverie Street
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Centro specializzato in:

Fisioterapia Osteopatia Mal di schiena Medicina dello sport Artrosi Dolore muscoloscheletrico Dolore alle articolazioni Artrite al ginocchio Artrosi dell'anca



In the realm of alternative medicine, acupuncture stands as a time-honoured therapy, garnering increasing interest among individuals seeking holistic approaches to health and wellness. Chartered physiotherapist Anthony Adesanmi examines acupuncture, exploring its principles, benefits, and considerations for those contemplating its embrace.


Recovery from lower limb injuries or surgeries can be a daunting journey, but with proper rehabilitation, it's possible to regain mobility and resume daily activities. Lower limb rehabilitation focuses on restoring strength, flexibility, and function to the legs, helping patients regain independence and improve their quality of life. Chartered physiotherapist Anthony Adesanmi provides a guide to this type of rehabilitation.


Top 3 tips for recovery from injury or pain + what to expect from Physiotherapy with Robyn Boothroyd
Get in touch www.octopusclinic.com
An introduction to Robyn Boothroyd
Robyn Boothroyd is an esteemed physiotherapist. In...

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Anastasia Borisova
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Anthony Adesanmi
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Ian Repton
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Robyn Boothroyd
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Simon Jones
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