Dr Mark William Kellett

Neurologo a Greater Manchester

MBBS, B.Med.Sci(Hons), MD FRCP

Dr Mark William Kellett esperto in:

Perché è un dottore di prim'ordine

Dr Mark Kellett is a consultant neurologist practising at BMI The Beaumont Hospital and Salford Royal, Manchester. Dr Kellett has a specialist interest in treating movement disorders, Parkinson’s diseaseepilepsy, headaches and multiple sclerosis, and is an approved provider of botox for chronic migraine.

After originally qualifying from the University of Newcastle, Dr Kellett completed specialist training at The Walton Centre in Liverpool during which he completed a research MD in Genetic Epidemiology of Parkinson's disease. In 2013 he joined the nationally-commissioned neurofibromatosis type 2 service based at St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester as consultant neurologist. Dr Kellett is a member of the Association of British Neurologists and is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at University of Manchester.

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