Più di 5815 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

When the first ablation fails: Arrhythmia after atrial ablation

If you experience arrhythmia, a doctor may recommend atrial ablation to burn and destroy the abnormal area of heart tissue that is causing the arrhythmia. While ablation will generally restore your normal heart rhythm, it is important to remember that arrhythmia may still occur after the procedure, in some cases. Here to provide a detailed insight into arrhythmia after atrial ablation, including causes, prevention and treatment, is esteemed cardiologist, Dr Mark Gallagher.

Breathlessness – How to breathe correctly (Part 2)

While feeling breathless from time to time is a natural human response, breathlessness that limits your activities more than normal, occurs at rest, or while carrying out daily tasks such as reaching down to a low cupboard, requires expert assessment and treatment. In the second of a three-part series of articles on breathlessness, highly renowned consultant cardiologist Dr Jonathan Pitts Crick offers an expert insight into the actions that you should take if you feel breathlessness.

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