Più di 5815 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

COVID-19 healthcare professionals frontline risk PTSD

Experts have suggested that doctors and nurses who are enduring long working hours and witnessing large scale infections and deaths, might require PTSD therapy or other mental health treatment following the coronavirus pandemic. Professor Ben Green, a psychiatrist from Liverpool, explores similar events through history to help us understand whether this is, in fact, an issue that many might already be experiencing.

Is it easy to become addicted to opioid painkillers when living with chronic pain?

Pain is a common symptom that some people may have to live with every day. But medicating chronic pain in conditions such as arthritis, migraines and fibromyalgia, could be a slippery slope for some who may rely on these pain relievers, such as opioids, too much. Here, one of our top psychiatrist Dr Oscar D'Agnone explains how it's so easy to become addicted to painkillers.

Addiction counselling talk therapy alcoholism

Recovering from alcoholism is a journey, and for many, a lifetime commitment. Alcohol addiction counselling can guide you along that road to recovery by giving you a safe space to speak to a specialist allowing you to be more aware of your problem and gain control of your addiction. Leading London psychiatrist, Dr Oscar D'Agnone, describes what happens when you attend a typical counselling session.

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