Videos de Octopus Clinic

An introduction to Ms Anastasia Borisova Ver más

How to return to running after injury and when to know that you are ready. Running physios discuss. Ver más

An introduction to Anthony Adesanmi Ver más

Renowned chartered physiotherapist Anthony Adesanmi speaks about what motivated him to pursue a career in physiotherapy, the joy of helping patients achieve their goals, and how his patients value his honesty. 00:00 What is your name and position? 00:21 Why did you decide to become a practitioner? 01:33 What do your patients value most about you? And you of them? 03:35 Do you have any mantra or catchphrase that you use in your work? To book an appointment with Mr Adesanmi simply visit his Top Doctors profile here today: ✔ Follow us on Instagram: ✔ Follow us on Facebook: ✔ Follow us on Twitter:

An introduction to Ian Repton Ver más

Top 3 tips for recovery from injury or pain + what to expect from Physiotherapy with Robyn Boothroyd Ver más

An introduction to Robyn Boothroyd Ver más

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