HCA Healthcare

HCA Healthcare UK is one of the leading healthcare providers in the UK. Established since the 1990s in the UK, HCA has a network of 30 hospitals and clinics across London and Manchester, providing the most up-to-date developments in diagnostic and treatments equipment and facilities, and access to the most esteemed medical consultants in the UK.

Encuentra el centro HCA Healthcare más adecuado para ti

30 Facilities in London and Manchester
3000 Consultants
300000 Patients in 2021
15 Locations rated 'Outstanding' by CQC
13 Locations rated 'Good' by CQC

Por qué HCA Healthcare es un grupo de centros médico de primer nivel

Originally starting in the USA, HCA has provided over 50 years of outstanding care, and contantly aims to learn and improve from its 27 million patients each year, to ensure that the highest level of care is provided to all of its patients.

¿Hay una red de centros hospitalarios HCA Healthcare repartidos por la geografía inglesa? Elige la ciudad que mejor encaje con tu búsqueda.

Unidades y Centros destacados

The Wellington Hospital Cardiac Unit (HCA)

The Wellington Hospital North Building, Circus Rd, London NW8 6PD

The Prostate Centre (HCA)


18 Devonshire St, London


5 5 1 5
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S. P Central London 24/09/24
5 5 1 5
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The operation has proved to be a complete success. Mr Aho took care to explain how it would be performed, possible side effects, and what the end result would be. It has improved my quality of life considerably.
C. G Central London 23/09/24
5 5 1 5
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Dr. Kariyawasam was really good at explaining everything and thorough
S. A Central London 23/09/24
5 5 1 5
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I am very grateful to Dr. Lamb for his exceptional care. He took the time to thoroughly explain my symptoms and promptly arranged the appropriate examinations. Dr. Lamb was courteous, polite, and clearly very experienced, making me feel confident in his expertise.
F. M Central London 23/09/24
5 5 1 5
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Cannot compliment Mr Leung and his team enough following my successful surgery by them at QE Hospital Birmingham for my Stenosis and the decompression discectomy/interlaminar decompression surgery. BIG BIG thanks. Bless you all.
A. A Birmingham 23/09/24
5 5 1 5
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Dr johal is very smart dr , and positive he did big surgery for my son! And he so professional
R. A Central London 22/09/24
5 5 1 5
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Doc was very friendly and made me feel at ease
C. K Central London 22/09/24
5 5 1 5
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I had a great experience with Dr. Kariyawasam. She was extremely knowledgeable, patient, and thorough in their approach, making sure all my concerns were addressed.
S. S Central London 22/09/24
5 5 1 5
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Mr Diab is an amazing surgeon and an exceptionally nice person. I highly recommend him
M. H Central London 21/09/24
5 5 1 5
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Mr Diab is an amazing surgeon and an exceptionally nice person. I highly recommend him
M. H Central London 21/09/24
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