HCA Healthcare

HCA Healthcare UK is one of the leading healthcare providers in the UK. Established since the 1990s in the UK, HCA has a network of 30 hospitals and clinics across London and Manchester, providing the most up-to-date developments in diagnostic and treatments equipment and facilities, and access to the most esteemed medical consultants in the UK.

Encuentra el centro HCA Healthcare más adecuado para ti

30 Facilities in London and Manchester
3000 Consultants
300000 Patients in 2021
15 Locations rated 'Outstanding' by CQC
13 Locations rated 'Good' by CQC

Por qué HCA Healthcare es un grupo de centros médico de primer nivel

Originally starting in the USA, HCA has provided over 50 years of outstanding care, and contantly aims to learn and improve from its 27 million patients each year, to ensure that the highest level of care is provided to all of its patients.

¿Hay una red de centros hospitalarios HCA Healthcare repartidos por la geografía inglesa? Elige la ciudad que mejor encaje con tu búsqueda.

Unidades y Centros destacados

Skin Clinic (HCA)

The Harley Street Clinic, 35 Weymouth Street, London W1B 8BJ

Rapid Referral Service (HCA)

The Lister Hospital, Chelsea Bridge Road, London SW1W 8RH

London Digestion (HCA)

The Shard, 32 St Thomas St, London SE1 9BS


5 5 1 5
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S. R Central London 18/09/24
5 5 1 5
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Great experience undertaken by professional and friendly clinician. Good discussion pre op re treatment options and good follow. Prepared to answer questions and took his time with me. I am really pleased with the outcome of the surgery.
W. B Central London 17/09/24
5 5 1 5
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Overall a 5 star rating, my only comment from previous visits is that check in could be improved, it always has a hint of slight chaos and on one occasion I waited a significant amount of time to see my consultant which I understood to be due to administrative issues
S. M Central London 17/09/24
5 5 1 5
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I truly appreciate the competence and professional approach of Dr Sachin Khambadkone towards serving the ailing community. He and his team are super friendly and ready to help when contacted.
A. G Central London 17/09/24
5 5 1 5
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Absolutely delightful, as always. Knowledgeable, empathetic, professional and determined to get the best result for each patient. An star, for sure
D. M Central London 17/09/24
5 5 1 5
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I would absolutely recommend Dr Akash Patel! Everything has been brilliant, from my first clinic appointment to my recent post op follow up. My Hip replacement has changed my life, and there will never be enough words to thank Mr Patel for his amazing work. Thank you so much!
D. M Central London 17/09/24
5 5 1 5
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Dr Mudalagiri improved my condition from the first consultation until fitting a stent, all in a short timeframe. He is professional and reassuring.
O. K Central London 17/09/24
5 5 1 5
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Excellent, very professional abd reasuring.
A. P Central London 17/09/24
5 5 1 5
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Excellent treatment and care throughout my procedure. Helped me along the way to recovering and clear advice and instructions given throughout.
W. O Central London 17/09/24
5 5 1 5
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Very reassuring to have such an excellent physician looking after you
A. G Central London 16/09/24
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