Discretion Healthcare

Discretion Healthcare 01865570869 Oxford Respiratory Trials Unit, Churchill Drive, Headington OX3 7LE
5 5 1 55
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Centro specializzato in:

Acne Cancro della pelle Dermatologia Menopausa Problemi vaginali Psoriasi Salute sessuale Disturbi del pene Candidiasi Controllo sanitario degli uomini

Perché è un centro medico di prim'ordine

Discretion Healthcare is a distinctive private practice in Oxfordshire founded by experienced NHS Consultant Specialists, Dr Emily Lord (sexual health) and Dr Stephanie Arnold (dermatology). With over a decade of combined expertise, they offer discreet, accessible, and highly professional services specialising in dermatology and sexual health.

Dr Lord and Dr Arnold offer comprehensive private services within their respective fields. Working together at Discretion Healthcare means that patients with a range of intimate health concerns receive a truly specialised assessment and the opportunity to get a diagnosis and treatment plan for problems that sometimes worry them for a long time. Conditions such as penis disorders, thrush, bacterial vaginosis, men's healthgenital dermatoses (e.g. lichen sclerosis), menopause-related vaginal problems or genital pain of unknown cause are all treated at the clinic. They can also take care of HPV-related problems, carry out cervical smears and administer HPV vaccination, as well as fully assess and manage HPV-related skin disorders, such as VIN and PIN

At Discretion Healthcare, they prioritise patient comfort and offer assurance, diagnosis and tailored treatment plans for sensitive issues. While Dr Lord will diagnose and treat all infections, including STIs or candida and BV, Dr Arnold will carry out a thorough dermatological examination, including biopsies of all worrying lesions

They understand the importance of second opinions and work with a select group of gynaecological and colorectal colleagues to make seemless referrals if necessary. They also offer patients the opportunity to make a joint appointment, see both specialists together, and get a truly comprehensive assessment. If you would like to consider this option, ask for an appointment, provide details of your symptoms, and their doctors will respond to confirm the best type of appointment for you.

Transparent fee discussions ensure patients understand costs, and they also offer aesthetic treatments for overall well-being. A £50 deposit is required to secure your booking, deducted from your final bill.

Il centro

Discretion Healthcare

Oxford Respiratory Trials Unit, Churchill Drive, Headington OX3 7LE, Oxford, Oxford

Assicurazioni mediche compatibili con questo centro

Alliance Health Group
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Immagine del centro

Quadro medico del centro

Dr Emily Lord

Medico di medicina genitouristica

Esperto in:

Salute sessuale Malattie sessualmente trasmissibili (MST... Candidiasi Disturbi del pene Controllo sanitario degli uomini Dermatologia genitale
Dr Stephanie Jane Arnold


Esperto in:

Dermatologia genitale Lichen sclerosus Acne Acnea rosacea Cancro della pelle Malattie dermatologiche

RICHIEDI APPUNTAMENTO ADESSO: Il servizio di gestione degli appuntamenti è gratuito

Richiedi un appuntamento online, il centro ti contatterà.

Richiedi un appuntamento online
Dr Emily Lord
Medico Di Medicina Genitouristica
Vedi il profilo
Dr Stephanie Jane Arnold
Vedi il profilo
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