One Heart Clinic - Cardiology Consulting & Diagnostic Centre

One Heart Clinic - Cardiology Consulting & Diagnostic Centre 02078644624 68 Harley Street, Marylebone
5 5 1 254
(254) Recensioni verificate

Centro specializzato in:

Aritmia Cardiologia Palpitazioni Dolore al petto Affanno Malattia cardiovascolare TAVI (impianti con valvola a catetere)



If you experience a fluttering sensation in the chest, or a racing heartbeat, for example, it could mean cardiac arrhythmia. And to ensure you get the right diagnosis further analysis with an implantable loop recorder could be required. Dr Jonathan Behar, a leading London-based cardiologist goes into expert detail on the role of the loop recorder.


Coronary heart disease, which is also known as ischaemic heart disease or coronary artery disease, can be asymptomatic ranging to serious, and it affects many people around the globe. Leading consultant cardiologist in Cambridge and London Dr Charis Costopoulos is here to provide a detailed take on coronary heart disease symptoms, alongside diagnosis and treatment.



CRT 2019: ORBITA In Review - Dr Rasha Al-Lamee
Dr Rasha Al-Lamee (Imperial College London, London...
AHA 19: Commentary On The ISCHEMIA Trial — Dr Rasha Al-Lamee
Dr Rasha Al-Lamee (Imperial College London, London...

RICHIEDI APPUNTAMENTO ADESSO: Il servizio di gestione degli appuntamenti è gratuito

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Dr Fakhar Khan
Vedi il profilo
Dr Sayan Sen
Vedi il profilo
Dr Ravi Assomull
Vedi il profilo
Dr Rasha Al-Lamee
Vedi il profilo
Dr Graham Cole
Vedi il profilo

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