Video del Mr Andrew Goldberg

How can you help prevent ankle arthritis?


Join us as our consultant orthopaedic surgeon Mr Andrew Goldberg talks about how you can prevent ankle arthritis. #thebarebones Don't forget to Subscribe on Youtube so you don't miss a single video : The ankle is the meeting of three bones, the talus in the foot and the tibia and fibula in the leg. An ankle fracture is a common injury that refers to a fracture in one or more of these bones as a result of a fall or impact. The fracture can sometimes result in dislocation of the ankle too. Specific treatment depends on the injury itself. While it may often be obvious that you've fractured your ankle, sometimes the symptoms are milder and you think its just a sprain. Its always worth seeing an expert to set your mind at rest. Symptoms include: - pain - swelling - bruising which may extend into the foot - finding it difficult to move your foot or stand on it - skin damage in severe injuries Learn more at : More videos from Mr Andrew Goldberg can be seen at : You can learn more about Andrew Goldberg at : Connect with HCA Healthcare UK : Subscribe on Youtube : Join us on Facebook : Follow on Twitter: Connect with us on Linkedin:

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