An overview of localised and advanced prostate cancer

Autore: Mr Sam Datta
Editor: Conor Lynch

Prostate cancer is, unfortunately, quite a common cancer amongst men. It can either be localised, which simply means that the cancer is confined to and only affects the man’s prostate, or it can be advanced. Both require different forms of treatment. Here to explain more in this article below is revered consultant urologist, Mr Sam Datta.

How is localised prostate cancer treated?

When a man is diagnosed with prostate cancer, we appreciate it can often be an anxious time for the patient and the family. The treatment will depend on the grade and stage of cancer. If it is a localised cancer (prostate cancer confined to the prostate) you could have a variety of treatments, including surveillance or monitoring of the cancer. 


You could also have a keyhole or robotic surgery to remove the prostate, or you could have some form of radiotherapy, either localised or external. There are some other treatments which are focal treatments, and the aim of that treatment is to treat a particular part of the prostate. This could be either in the form of freezing or focused ultrasonic treatment.


How is advanced prostate cancer treated?

There are some patients who present with an advanced form of cancer, and these patients can require systemic treatment, which aims to target the cancer in the rest of the body as well as the prostate. This could be in the form of chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or some other form of systemic treatment such as hormonal therapy. Whatever stage of cancer you're diagnosed with, you can have in depth discussion about treatments that may be available for you from the multidisciplinary team.


If you have been wanting to get checked out for prostate cancer, don’t hesitate and make sure you visit a highly esteemed consultant urologist like Mr Sam Datta today. You can do this via his Top Doctors profile

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Mr Sam Datta

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