Breathlessness: Your questions answered

Autore: Dr Amit Patel
Editor: Carlota Pano

Feeling short of breath, for example when exercising, is usually a healthy and natural response. However, breathlessness might sometimes be a sign of an underlying issue caused by respiratory, cardiac, or neurological issues for example.


Here to provide an expert insight into breathlessness, including causes and when to seek medical attention, is Dr Amit Patel, leading London-based Consultant Respiratory physician.



What is breathlessness?


Breathlessness is a sensation we experience when our breathing does not feel right. It is on a spectrum and thus, it can have many different manifestations. Some people will only feel slightly breathless whilst others will have far more disabling symptoms.


What are the main causes of breathlessness?


There are many causes for breathlessness, most often respiratory, cardiac, neurological or haematological. Thus, a specialist must work through the different aspects that might cause people to get breathless, looking at each component separately or together.


The lungs are often examined first to analyse whether there is a problem with the tissue of the lungs (for example, fibrosis) or with the airways (for example, asthma) that can cause breathlessness. Sometimes, doctors may consider clots in the blood vessels of the lungs. There are a myriad of causes for breathlessness and careful consideration is required to determine the underlying cause. This requires a stepwise and structured approach involving careful consultation and relevant investigations.


When is breathlessness a reason for concern?


We all might feel breathless after exercise or after climbing multiple flights of stairs that we are unused to doing. This is normal. However, breathlessness should be investigated if it is persistent and different from our usual normal breathing.


How is breathlessness diagnosed, and how is it treated?


Diagnosis depends on the patient’s symptoms and the overall medical condition as well as the underlying processes that might be involved. Treatment is always directed at the underlying causes of breathlessness.


Is there a difference between shortness of breath and breathlessness?


No, shortness of breath and breathlessness are the same thing.



If you are concerned about breathlessness and wish to seek expert assessment, do not hesitate to visit Dr Patel’s Top Doctors profile today.

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Dr Amit Patel
Pneumologia e Malattie Respiratorie

La dott.ssa Amit Patel è un primario consulente londinese specializzato nella ricerca e nella gestione di tutte le malattie respiratorie tra cui tosse acuta e cronica, asma, dispnea di cause sconosciute, BPCO, cancro ai polmoni, insufficienza respiratoria, apnea del sonno, sarcoidosi, malattia polmonare interstiziale e bronchiectasie, ed è la guida clinica per la medicina respiratoria al King's College Hospital di Londra.

Ha un certo numero di cliniche private a Londra, al fianco del suo lavoro nel NHS al King's College Hospital e Guys and St Thomas's Hospital. Durante la formazione specialistica più elevata del dott. Patel ha conseguito un MD nella divisione di asma, allergia e biologia polmonare all'interno del King's College di Londra.

La dott.ssa Amit Patel ha conseguito una qualifica di insegnante post-laurea ed è attivamente impegnata nell'insegnamento universitario e post-universitario e insegna tutti gli aspetti della medicina respiratoria. È stato coinvolto in una serie di progetti di ricerca e il suo lavoro è stato pubblicato su numerose riviste internazionali di alto impatto e presentato a importanti simposi in Nord America, Europa e Regno Unito.

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