How are cataracts treated?

Autore: Mr Saurabh Jain
Editor: Conor Dunworth

Cataracts are a very common eye condition, mainly affecting people as they get older. In his latest article, renowned adult and paediatric ophthalmologist Mr Saurabh Jain offers his expert insight into this condition.


What causes cataracts?

Cataracts usually appear under the following circumstances:

Old age – As we age, the lens of the eye can become cloudier. This is by far the most common type of cataract.  

Congenital cataracts – In rare circumstances, babies can be born with cataracts. This is due to the lens not forming correctly.


What are the symptoms of cataracts?

The main symptom of cataracts is reduced vision. This can happen gradually, so people mightn’t be aware of the impact on their eyesight. They usually discover they have cataracts when they close one eye and notice a difference in eyesight between the two eyes, or when they go for an eye test due to changes in their eyesight.


Are cataracts a serious condition?

Cataracts are quite treatable, but they can seriously impact people’s lives. They can prevent people from doing things they enjoy, or things they need to do like driving and working.


What does cataract surgery entail?

On the whole, cataract surgery is a rapid and fruitful procedure. It is done under local anaesthetic and can be performed in a few minutes. It is usually a day case procedure, meaning you can go home the same day, without having to restrict your activities much afterwards.


Is cataract surgery painful?

Properly performed cataract surgery is not painful.

We take a lot of care to ensure the patients are as comfortable as they can be during and after the procedure. It is done with the use of anaesthetic drops that numb the eye completely to the procedure. This can be topped up with various other anaesthetic methods. Sometimes we will use sedation or general anaesthetic to ensure the patient remains comfortable throughout the procedure.


Are there any negatives of cataract surgery?

Like most operations, there are risks to the surgery. However, these risks are mostly minor and can be easily dealt with.

It really comes down to the risk to be benefit ratio, but in most cases, the benefits of cataract surgery are significantly higher than the risks involved.


Mr Saurabh Jain is a highly-renowned adult and paediatric ophthalmologist based in London. If you would like to book a consultation with Mr Jain, you can do so today via his Top Doctors profile.

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Mr Saurabh Jain

Saurabh Jain è un importante chirurgo oftalmico con un particolare interesse per l'oftalmologia pediatrica e lo strabismo . Dal suo studio privato al Portland Hospital, Mr Jain offre una gamma di trattamenti oftalmici e procedure per trattare i bambini con problemi visivi come lo strabismo , l' occhio pigro e l' occhio acquoso .

Jain si è inizialmente laureato in medicina nel 1997 presso l'Università di Delhi, prima di iniziare la sua carriera di oftalmologo al King's College Hospital di Londra. Ha continuato la sua formazione specialistica presso il Manchester Royal Eye Hospital e il Leicester Royal Infirmary, e ora lavora nel nord di Londra, fornendo servizi in un certo numero di cliniche del NHS. Questi includono gli ospedali di Whittington, Barnet General e Edgware, e la Royal Free London, dove agisce come direttore clinico dei servizi.

Il signor Jain è responsabile della formazione dei consulenti junior ed è il direttore del programma di formazione per la formazione di oftalmologia in tutto il nord di Londra. Ricopre anche il titolo di consulente onorario oftalmologo pediatrico presso l'University College di Londra. Ha pubblicato numerosi documenti sulle migliori pratiche in chirurgia oftalmica e procedure di follow-up.

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